بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
1902, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (d. 1921), may Allah have mercy on him, published the fatwa
of kufr (unbelief) in Al-Mo’tamad Al-Mustanad [The Reliable
Proofs] against the Indian ‘Ulama that had been heavily influenced by
the deviant Wahhabi movement in Arabia. These ‘Ulama primarily belonged
to Darul Uloom Deoband (established in 1867) and are commonly known as
said fatwa was a powerful defense of Islamic orthodoxy against some of the
heretical and malicious statements propounded by the scholars of Deoband. It
was originally Imam Ahmed Raza’s marginal notes on al-Mu’taqad
al-Muntaqad [The Dependable Work] written by the famous Indian
Hanafi and Maturidi Shaykh, Allama Fazl-i Rasul Badayuni (d. 1871), may Allah
have mercy on him. The Badayuni family had been known for its
intellectual brilliance for generations. Allama Fazl-i Rasul Badayuni had
debated with the chief Najdi of India and their patron, Ismail Dihlawi (d.
1831). He was amongst the earliest Indian ‘Ulama to refute the
Ahmed Raza recorded some of his contemporaries errant statements verbatim in a
summation of Al-Mo’tamad Al-Mustanad, which he then personally took to
Mecca and Medina during his second Hajj in 1905. He beseeched the
esteemed fuqaha in the two holy cities to verify whether the verdict of
apostasy was correct or mistaken, not surprisingly, thirty-three ‘Ulama of the
Haramayn enthusiastically certified the fatwa against Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi
(d.1879), Rashid Ahmad Gangohi (d.1905), Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri (d.1927),
Ashraf Ali Thanwi (d.1943), and Mirza Ghulam Qadiani (d. 1908), the founder of
the Ahmadiyya community who professed to be the promised Messiah and Mahdi.
Their verdicts, testimonials, and comments were compiled into one famous book, Husam al-Haramayn [The
Sword of the Two Sanctuaries]. The fatwa of kufr, Al-Mo’tamad
Al-Mustanad, is also part of this compilation.
1926, Mawlana Hashmat ‘Ali Khan (d. 1960), may Allah have mercy on him, further adduced the
names of 268 ‘Ulama from the Subcontinent verifying the fatwa of kufr in al-Sawarim
al-Hindiyya [The Throng of India]. Thus, altogether Husam
al-Haramayn has been ratified by three-hundred and one ‘Ulama from the Arab
world and the Subcontinent. This was in all probability one of the most
authoritative and comprehensive attempts by scholars to defend Islam from the
people of falsehood.
next week there will be a post on the official Deobandi Aqida Book, al-Muhannad
ala al-Mufannad [The Sword on the Disapproved] (1323 A.H./1905
study Imam Ahmad Raza’s personal account of his journey to the Haramayn and his
activities there, please read the beginning of volume two of his utterances, The Malfuzat Shareef, translated by Shaykh ‘Abd al-Hādi al-Qādiri.
Tamheedul Iman provides the rational behind the fatwa of kufr and answers
many of the false accusations brought against the august Mujaddid. The
Thesis of Imam Ahmed Raza
includes this outstanding legal response among other indispensable works.
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