300 Authenticated Miracles of the Prophet | with References
Posteb By: Dr. Muhammed Husain Mushahid Razvi
the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Most Kind.
& blessings of Allah be upon His Noble Messenger Muhammad,
his Family & Companions.
1. The Holy Qur'an; the
final and absolute book of divine guidance. Through it, Allah revealed to His
Beloved Messenger numerous scientific proofs and evidences 1400 years ago which
science is just beginning to comprehend today. Its eloquence and complete
accuracy have remained unchallengeable to this day.
• “Say: If mankind and
the jinns were together to produce the like of this Qur'an,
they could not produce the like thereof, even if they helped one another.”
[Qur'an 17:88]
2. Mi'raj; the Beloved Messenger’s
ascension to the Heavens accompanied by Angel Jibra’il.
• The Messenger of Allah said, “..al-Buraq,
a white animal, smaller than a mule and bigger than a donkey was brought to me,
and I set out with Gabriel. When I reached the nearest Heaven, Gabriel said to
the gate-keeper of Heaven, 'Open the gate'...” [Bukhari]
3. Splitting of the moon: challenged
to prove his Prophethood by the unbelieving Quraysh, the Beloved Messenger of
Allah split the moon into two halves, and the pieces were clearly separated
from each other. Despite this, the kuffaar turned away in
ignorance and continued to follow their desires in non-belief.
• Narrated Sayyidina Anas b. Malik:
"The people of Makkah asked the Messenger of Allah to show them a miracle;
he therefore split the moon, the two pieces were seen on the opposite sides of
Mount Hira." [Bukhari]
• "The Hour has come near, and
the moon has split [in two]. But if they see a Sign, they turn away, and say,
'This is (but) transient magic.'" [Qur'an 54:1-2]
4. Prophecy of the Roman Empire’s
victory over the Persians after facing defeat.
• "The Romans have been
defeated. In the nearest land, and they, after their defeat, will be
victorious." [Qur’an 30:2-3]
5. The blessed saliva of the Beloved
Messenger,may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, worked as a
miraculous cure for ailments.
• “...The Prophet was told that Ali
was suffering from eye-trouble, so he applied saliva to Ali’s eyes and invoked
Allah to cure him. He at once got cured as if he had no ailment.” [Bukhari]
6. The Beloved Messenger of Allah
never yawned during his entire lifetime.
• It is related that the Beloved
Messenger himself said, “No Prophet has ever yawned.” [Imam ibn Hajar, Fath
7. The Messenger of Allah had no
visible shadow, even on a bright sunny day.
• Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Abbas, the
cousin of the Beloved Prophet, states, "The Messenger of Allah had no
shadow, not while standing in the sun, but the brilliance of his light (noor)
surpassed the rays of the sun; nor while sitting before a burning light, but
his luminous light excelled the lustre of the light." [Imam ibn al-Jawzi’s
• Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti narrates,
"This is also a unique feature of the Prophet that his shadow did not
touch the ground, because he was light (noor), and when he used to walk in the sunshine
his shadow could not be seen." [Khasaa’is al-Kubra]
8. Allah encouraged him before the
Battle of Badr with a dream of a small kuffaar army.
“(And remember) when Allah showed
them to you as few in your dream; if He had shown them to you as many, you
would surely have been discouraged…” [Qur'an 8:44]
• Hafiz ibn Kathir relates in his
Tafsir: Mujahid said, "In a dream, Allah showed the Prophet the enemy as
few. The Prophet conveyed this news to his Companions and their resolve
strengthened.'' This demonstrates Allah's compassion towards the believers.
Allah made them see few disbelievers in their eyes, so that they would be
encouraged and feel eager to meet them.
9. Victory of the Battle of Badr;
313 Muslim soldiers triumphed against approximately a thousand non-Muslim
soldiers and their cavalry. The Angels were present in this battle too, aiding
the believers with their unseen forces.
• “There has already been for you a
Sign in the two armies that met (in combat): One was fighting in the cause of Allah,
the other resisting Allah; these saw with their own eyes twice their number.
But Allah does support with His aid whom He pleases. In this is a warning for
such as have eyes to see.” [Qur'an 3:13]
• “[Remember] when you asked help of
your Lord, and He answered you, ‘Indeed, I will reinforce you with a thousand
from the angels, following one another.’” [Qur'an 8:9]
10. There was once a drought in
Madinah, and the people requested the Messenger of Allah to pray for rain. His
prayer was answered so fast that it began to rain before he descended the
pulpit. [Tafsir ibn Kathir]
• Sayyidina Anas b. Malik says in a
narration: "The Prophet raised his hands and said: 'O Allah, make it
rain', thrice. I swear by Allah, there were no clouds in the sky, not even a
single one. Then suddenly, a thick heavy cloud covered us, and it rained, and
we never saw the sky for a week…" [Bukhari]
11. Rainfall on the eve of the
battle of Badr, which resolved the issue of scarce water supplies for drinking
and purification, and firmed the ground for the Muslim camp.
• "And He caused rain to
descend on you from heaven...” [Qur'an 8:11]
• Tafsir ibn Kathir reports on this
verse that Mujahid said, "Allah sent down the rain on the believers before
slumber overtook them, and the rain settled the dust, made the ground firmer,
made them feel at ease and their feet firmer.''
• And Ibn Ishaq narrated from Yazid
bin Ruwman that Sayyidina Urwa bin Az-Zubayr said, "Allah sent rain down
from the sky on a sandy valley. That rain made the area where the Messenger of
Allah and his Companions camped firmer so that it did not hinder their
movement. Meanwhile, the part that the Quraysh were camping on became difficult
to move in.''
12. As a baby in the cradle, the
Beloved Prophet would move the moon with his blessed finger and would converse
with it.
• The Prophet’s uncle, Sayyidina
Abbas, said, “O Messenger of Allah, what made me enter into your religion was
my witnessing a sign of your Prophethood. I saw you in your cradle talking
tenderly to the moon and pointing at it with your finger. It moved across the
sky to wherever you pointed.” The Beloved Messenger replied, “I was talking to
it, and it talked to me, which distracted me from crying. I could hear the
sound of its prostration under the Throne.” [Imam al-Qastalani’s Mawahib al
Ladunya; Imam Suyuti’s Khasa’is al-Kubra]
13. He increased blessing in food to
the extent that a piece of bread once fed seventy to eighty Companions to their
• Sayyidina Anas b. Malik narrates:
Abu Talha said, "O Umm Sulaym, here comes the Messenger of Allah along
with the people and we do not have enough (food) to feed them.'' She said,
"Allah and His Messenger know better.'' Abu Talhah went out (to receive
him) until he met Messenger of Allah, and he came forward along with him until
they both arrived. Then the Messenger of Allah said, "O Umm Sulaym, bring
forth what you have with you.'' So she brought the bread. The Messenger of
Allah commanded that the bread be broken into small pieces and after Umm Sulaym
had squeezed clarified butter out of a butter container and made it just like
soup. Messenger of Allah recited over it what Allah wished him to recite. He
then said, "Allow ten guests to come in.'' They ate until they had their
fill. They then went out. He (Messenger of Allah) again said, "Allow ten
(more to come in)'', and he (the host) ushered them in. They ate to their fill.
Then they went out. He again said, "Allow ten (more),'' until all the
people ate to their fill. They were seventy or eighty persons." [Bukhari;
14. He remained unseen when the
accursed wife of Abu Lahab approached him and Sayyidina Abu Bakr at the Ka’bah.
• When Surah al-Masad was revealed,
the one-eyed wife of Abu Jahl came out wailing and she had a stone in her hand.
The Messenger of Allah was sitting in the Masjid (of the Ka'bah) and Sayyidina
Abu Bakr was with him. When Sayyidina Abu Bakr saw her, he said, "O
Messenger of Allah! She is coming and I fear that she will see you." The
Messenger of Allah replied, "Verily, she will not see me." Then he
recited some of the Qur'an as a protection for himself.. So she advanced until
she was standing in front of Sayyidina Abu Bakr and she did not see the
Messenger of Allah. She then said, "O Abu Bakr! Verily, I have been informed
that your friend is making defamatory poetry about me." [Tafsir ibn
15. Water from his blessed fingers:
On the day of Hudaibiya, the Muslims came upon a water shortage. The only water
available was the amount that the Beloved Messenger had with him. He simply
dipped his blessed hands into the water, and as witnessed by 1500 Companions,
it began to flow in abundance from his blessed fingers.
• As narrated Sayyidina Salim,
Sayyidina Jabir states, "On the day of Al-Hudaibiya, the people felt
thirsty and Allah's Apostle had a utensil containing water. He performed
ablution from it and then the people came towards him. Allah's Apostle said,
'What is wrong with you?' The people said, 'O Allah's Apostle! We haven't got
any water to perform ablution with or to drink, except what you have in your
utensil.' So the Prophet put his hand in the utensil and the water started
spouting out between his fingers like springs. So we drank and performed
I said to Jabir, "What was your
number on that day?" He replied, ‘Even if we had been one hundred
thousand, that water would have been sufficient for us. Anyhow, we were 1500.'”
16. His authority over the Arabian
Peninsula, with Muslims living in peace and security.
• "Allah has promised those
among you who believe and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant
them succession in the land, as He granted it to those before them.."
[Qur'an 24:55]
• Tafsir ibn Kathir relates: This is
a promise from Allah to His Messenger that He would cause his Ummah to become
successors on earth i.e., they would become the leaders and rulers of mankind,
through whom He would reform the world and to whom people would submit, so that
they would have in exchange a safe security after their fear.
This is what Allah did indeed do,
may He be glorified and exalted, and to Him be praise and blessings. For He did
not cause His Messenger to die until He had given him victory over Makkah,
Khaybar, Bahrain, all of the Arabian Peninsula and Yemen (...). Then when the
Messenger died, his successor (Khalifah) Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq took over
the reins of power and united the Ummah, preventing its disintegration. He took
control of the entire Arabian Peninsula, and he sent the Islamic armies to the
land of Persia...”
17. Tree-trunk cries for his blessed
presence: The tree-trunk which the Beloved Messenger would lean on to deliver
the Friday sermon cried when it was replaced with a proper pulpit.
• Narrated Sayyidina Jabir bin
'Abdullah: "The Prophet used to stand by the stem of a date-palm tree
(while delivering a sermon). When the pulpit was placed for him, we heard that
stem crying like a pregnant she-camel till the Prophet got down from the pulpit
and placed his hand over it." [Bukhari]
18. The Qur'an informs with a prophecy
of the Holy Prophet's departure from this world.
• Tafsir ibn Kathir relates that
when Surah al-Nasr [110] was revealed, the Messenger of Allah said, “My death
has been announced to me.” And indeed, he died during that year. May Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him.
19. His illiteracy which proved to
the unbelievers that he did not write the Qur'an.
• "Neither did you read any
book before it nor did you write any book with your right hand. In that case,
indeed, the followers of falsehood might have doubted." [Qur'an 29:48]
• Tafsir ibn Kathir elaborates on
the verse above: 'During this time you never read any book or wrote anything.
Your people, as well as others all know that you are an unlettered man who does
not read or write.' This is how he (the Beloved Messenger) was also described
in the previous Scriptures...”
20. Food would recite the Names of
Allah in his blessed hand, sometimes sounding like the humming of bees.
• From a narration by Sayyidina
Abdullah: "...I saw the water flowing from among the fingers of Allah's
Apostle, and no doubt, we heard the meal glorifying Allah, when it was being
eaten (by him)." [Bukhari]
21. When the Beloved Messenger was
born, Shaytan and the jinns were no longer able to access the Heavens,
symbolised by an increase of meteorites and falling stars.
• After Allah’s Messenger honoured
the world, especially on the night of his birth, there was an increase in
star-fallings. This is a sign of the devils and jinn being forbidden to
eavesdrop on the unknown in the Heavens. [Imam Bayhaqi’s Dala’il al-Nubuwwa;
Qadi Iyad’s al-Shifa]
22. The divine inspiration within
him when revelation took place. [Qur'an 42:52]
• “And thus have we, by our command,
sent inspiration to you…” [Qur'an 42:52]
• On the above verse, Tafsir ibn
Kathir comments: Sometimes He casts something into the heart of the Prophet,
and he has no doubt that it is from Allah.
23. The increase of provision in the
house of Sayyida Haleema, his foster-mother, during the time he went to live
with her as a child.
• From the time he went to live with
her and during the time he stayed with her, her provision and goats & camel
milk increased significantly more in amount than before, and in huge contrast
to the others in her tribe. [Imam al-Haythami, Majmau’z-Zawaid; Imam Abu Nuaym,
Dala’il al-Nubuwwa; Hafiz ibn Kathir’s al-Bidaya wal-Nihaya; Qadi Iyad’s
24. A cloud would follow him
wherever he went, providing shelter and shade from the sun.
• One incident is reported that,
when Allah’s Messenger came back from a business trip together with Sayyida
Khadijah and her maid-servant Maysara, Sayyida Khadijah saw two angels above
the Prophet’s head, making shade like a cloud. She told it to Maysara, who
replied: “I saw the same thing during the whole journey.” [Qadi Iyad’s
al-Shifa; Imam Bayhaqi’s Dala’il al-Nubuwwa]
25. Swiftly after the prayer of the
Messenger of Allah, Sayyidina Umar ibn al-Khattab accepted Islam.
• Sayyidina Anas ibn Malik narrates
that the Messenger of Allah supplicated on Thursday night saying, “O Allah,
strengthen Islam by Umar ibn al-Khattab or Amr ibn Hisham.” On the morning of
Friday, Umar became Muslim. [al-Tabarani in al-Awsat; Imam Suyuti’s Forty
Hadith on the Virtues of Umar ibn al-Khattab]
26. A ditch of fire appeared before
Abu Jahl when he resolved to attack the Beloved Messenger of Allah whilst he
• Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah that Abu
Jahl said, "Does Muhammad cover his face with dust (i.e., from
prostration) while he is among you all?'' The people replied, "Yes.'' Then
he said, "By al-Lat and al-‘Uzza, if I see him praying like this, I will
stomp on his neck, and I will certainly put his face in the dust.'' So the
Messenger of Allah came and he began praying, which made it possible for Abu
Jahl to stomp on his neck. The people became surprised at Abu Jahl because he
began retreating on his heels and covering himself with his hands. Then it was
said to him, "What's the matter with you?'' He replied, "Verily,
between me and him is a ditch of fire, monsters and wings.'' Then the Messenger
of Allah said, “If he had come near me, the angels would have snatched him limb
by limb.” [Tafsir ibn Kathir; Surah al-Alaq]
27. A wolf testified about the
Messenger of Allah’s Prophethood to a shepherd outside the city of Madinah, who
consequently went to accept Islam at his blessed hands.
• Narrated Sayyidina Unais bin 'Amr:
Sayyidina Ahban bin Aus said, "I was amongst my sheep. Suddenly a wolf
caught a sheep and I shouted at it. The wolf sat on its tail and addressed me,
saying, 'Who will look after it (i.e. the sheep) when you will be busy and not
able to look after it? Do you forbid me the provision which Allah has provided
me?' Sayyidina Ahban added, "I clapped my hands and said, 'By Allah, I
have never seen anything more curious and wonderful than this (that a wolf can
speak like a human being)!' On that, the wolf said, 'There is something (more
curious) and wonderful than this; that is, Allah's Apostle in those palm trees,
inviting people to Allah (i.e. Islam).'"
Sayyidina Unais bin 'Amr further
said, "Then Ahban went to Allah's Apostle and informed him of what
happened and embraced Islam." [Bukhari]
28. The perspiration of the Beloved
Messenger of Allah was so pure that it would emit a pleasant, sweet fragrance
as testified by many Noble Companions.
• Sayyidina Anas b. Malik commented,
“I have never smelled amber, musk or any other (perfume) more fragrant than the
aroma of the Messenger of Allah.” [Muslim]
29. When the Beloved Messenger of
Allah was born, he emerged from his mother’s womb in the sajda position,
entering into the world with prostration to Allah.
• When the Beloved Messenger was
born, he fell to the ground, fingers drawn together with the index finger
pointing, testifying to the oneness of Allah. [Imam al-Qastalani,
Mawahibul-Laduniyya; Imam Tabarani's al-Awsat; Imam Abu Nu’aym, Dala’il
30. Faith in Allah at the Cave
Thawr, in the face of possible death at the hands of the enemy. He turned and
said to Sayyidina Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, "Do not despair, Allah is with
us." [Qur'an 9:40]
• Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddique
himself reported, “I saw the feet of the polytheists very close to us as we
were in the cave. I said, ‘Allah's Messenger, if one amongst them were to see
at his feet, he would have surely seen us.’ Thereupon he said, ‘Abu Bakr, what
can befall two who have Allah as the third One with them.’” [Muslim]
31. His prediction that Sayyidina
Suraqa would one day wear the bangles of Chosroes. This came true during
Sayyidina Umar's reign. This prediction also proves the Messenger of Allah’s
knowledge that Sayyidina Suraqa would soon embrace Islam, as he was not a
Muslim at that time.
• Sayyidina Suraqa, before he became
a Muslim, was enticed by the Quraysh’s promises of reward for capturing the
Messenger of Allah. He set out in pursuit, and eventually his mule caught up
with the Messenger of Allah. It became extremely close, and the Messenger of
Allah prayed for Allah’s protection. Consequently, Sayyidina Suraqa’s mule
began to stumble in the sand, unable to proceed. Eventually he realised the
divine implication, and asked the Messenger of Allah for amnesty, which was
then granted to him. Then the Messenger of Allah said, “You will wear the two
bracelets of Chosroes.”
During the khilafat of
Sayyidina Umar b. al-Khattab, the land of Chosroes was conquered and his
jewellery was brought to Sayyidina Umar, who put the bracelets on Sayyidina
Suraqa. This confirmed the report of the Messenger of Allah. [Qadi Iyaad’s
al-Shifa, Mulla Ali Qari’s Sharh al-Shifa, Imam ibn Hajar’s al-Isabah]
32. He informed his Companions of
what was happening during the Battle of Muta (near Damascus), as if watching
it, even though it would take someone one month to reach it on foot.
• The Messenger of Allah said:
"Zayd has taken the flag and been hit; now Ibn Rawaha has taken it and
been hit; now Ja'far has taken it and been hit; now one of God's Swords (i.e.
Khalid b. Waleed) has taken it."
Two or three weeks later, Sayyidina
Ya'la ibn Munabbih returned from the battlefront. In his presence, the Prophet
described the fighting in detail and Sayyidina Ya'la swore by God that
everything had happened exactly as described. [Bukhari; al-Hakim; Imam Abu
Nu'aym’s Dala'il al-Nubuwwa]
33. His knowledge of the future
martyrdom of Sayyidina Umar and Sayyidina Usman.
• When the Messenger of Allah was on
top of Mount Uhud with the three Companions, the mountain trembled. He said,
"Be firm, o Uhud! For on you are a Prophet, a Siddiq (a truthful one i.e.
Sayyidina Abu Bakr) and two martyrs (Sayyidina Umar and Sayyidina Usman)."
[Bukhari; Muslim]
34. Overcoming hardship and trials
of the land of Arabia, and of spreading the Word of Allah.
• “And remember when you were few
and were reckoned weak in the land, and were afraid that men might abduct you,
but He provided a safe place for you, strengthened you with His help, and
provided you with good things so that you might be grateful.”[Qur'an 8:26]
• On this verse, Tafseer ibn Kathir
relates from Qatadah bin Di'amah As-Sadusi: “Arabs were the weakest of the
weak, had the toughest life, the emptiest stomachs, the barest skin and the
most obvious misguidance. Those who lived among them lived in misery; those who
died went to the Fire.” He continues, “By Allah! We do not know of a people on
the face of the earth at that time who had a worse life than them. When Allah
brought Islam, He made it dominant on the earth, thus bringing provisions and
leadership for them over the necks of people. It is through Islam that Allah
granted all what you see, so thank Him for His favours...”
35. His prophecy that his beloved
daughter, Sayyida Fatima, would be the first of his family to pass away after
• The Messenger of Allah said to his
daughter, Sayyida Fatima, whilst on his death-bed: "You will be the first
of my family to join me (after my death)." [Bukhari; Muslim]
36. The Messenger of Allah told a
Bedouin man to testify to Islam during an expedition, and the man asked for a
sign. The Messenger of Allah called to a tree at the side of the valley and it
went towards him.
Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar narrates, "The tree swayed, uprooted itself,
left the soil, and drew near to Allah's Messenger. He asked it three times to
testify, and each time it testified to his truthfulness. Then he ordered the
tree to go back and settle down in its place, and it did so." [Qadi
Iyaad's al-Shifa; Tirmidhi; Bayhaqi]
37. On numerous occasions, rocks and
trees would greet him as he passed by.
• One report narrates that Sayyidina
Ali said, “Whenever we walked through Makkah’s suburbs during the early part of
his Prophethood, the trees and rocks we passed would say: ‘Peace be upon you, O
Messenger of Allah.’” [Tirmidhi; Hakim; Imam Abu Nu'aym's Dala'il al-Nubuwwa]
38. The Beloved Messenger of Allah
informed Sayyidina Qatada of an intruder at his house, and then gave him a
stick which lit his path home.
• Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal relates from
Sayyidina Abu Sa'id al-Khudri that Allah's Messenger gave Sayyidina Qatada ibn
Nu'man a stick on a dark rainy night, saying: "This stick will light your
surroundings as far as 7 meters. When you get home, you will see a black shadow
that is Satan. Drive him away from your home." Sayyidina Qatada left with
the stick, which was emitting light like the Prophet Musa's' shining hand. When
he arrived home, he found the person described and drove him away. [Majma
al-Zawa'id; Imam Ahmad; al-Hakim]
39. On several occasions during
battle, if a Companion’s sword broke, he would give them a stick to fight with
and it would change into a sword.
• During the Battle of Badr,
Sayyidina Ukkasha ibn Mihsan al-Asad broke his sword while fighting the
polytheists. Allah's Messenger replaced his broken sword with a stick and told
him to continue fighting. Suddenly, by Allah's power, the stick changed into a
long white sword. He fought with it and kept it with him until he was martyred
during the Battle of Yamama. [Ibn Hisham; Bayhaqi; Imam ibn al-Jawzi's Zad
40. On the battle of Uhud, Sayyidina
Qatada’s eye fell out of its socket. The Messenger of Allah replaced it with
his blessed hand. It healed instantly and became more beautiful than the other
• From a narration by Sayyidina Sa'd
ibn Abi Waqqas, about the Battle of Uhud: "..Qatada ibn Nu'man was hit and
one of his eyeballs protruded. Allah's Messenger used his hand to replace the
eyeball in its socket. The eye healed at once, as if nothing had happened, and
it became even better than the other one." [Qadi Iyaad's al-Shifa;
Tabarani; Bayhaqi]
This incident became so well-known
that when one of Sayyidina Qatada's grandsons met Caliph Umar ibn Abdul Aziz,
he presented himself with the following poetical statement:
"I am the son of the person
whose eye protruded over his cheek,
But was wonderfully restored by the
hand of Mustafa;
Then it became as it had been before;
it was the most beautiful of eyes, and most wonderful was its
41. The promise of Allah to protect
the Messenger and aid him in delivering the Message of Islam.
• “O Messenger! Convey what has been
sent down to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have not conveyed
His Message. Allah will protect you from mankind.” [Qur'an 5:67]
• Tafseer ibn Kathir elaborates on
the above verse: “Allah will protect you from mankind...” means, “You convey My
Message and I will protect, aid and support you over your enemies and will
grant you victory over them. Therefore, do not have any fear or sadness, for
none of them will be able to touch you with harm.” Before this verse was
revealed, the Prophet was being guarded by Companions.
42. The complete unity of mankind as
one equal race, and his teaching us that there is no place for discrimination
in the brotherhood of Islam.
• The Messenger of Allah said in his
final sermon to the believers: “…All mankind is from Adam and Eve; an Arab has
no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over
an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have
any superiority over a white, except by piety and good action.” [Bukhari;
Muslim; Tirmidhi; Musnad Imam Ahmad]
43. His chest was opened twice by
the angels, who poured into it divine purity and wisdom. This happened once
during his childhood, and another time on the night of the Mi’raj.
• During his childhood: It has been
narrated from Sayyidina Anas ibn Maalik that Jibra’il came to the Messenger of
Allah when he was playing with the other boys. Jibra’il took hold of him and
threw him to the ground, then he opened his chest and took out his heart, from
which he took a clot of blood and said, “This was the Shaytan’s share of you.”
Then he washed it in a vessel of gold that was filled with Zam Zam.
Then he put it back together and returned it to its place. The boys went
running to his mother – meaning his nurse i.e. Sayyida Haleema – and said,
“Muhammad has been killed!” They went to him and his colour had changed.
Sayyidina Anas said, “I used to see the mark of that stitching on his
chest.” [Muslim]
• On the night of Mi’raj: Sayyidina
Abu Dharr narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: “The roof of my house was
opened when I was in Makkah, and Jibra’il came down and split open my chest,
then he washed it with Zam Zam water. Then he brought a golden
basin filled with wisdom and faith and emptied it into my chest. Then he sealed
it…” [Bukhari; Muslim]
44. A spider and pigeons guarded the
entrance of Cave Thawr as the Messenger of Allah and Sayyidina Abu Bakr sought
refuge there from the kuffaar.
• The Quraysh reached the Cave Thawr
as the Messnger of Allah and his beloved friend hid inside. They suggested, “Let
us enter the cave,” but Ubayy ibn Khalaf them, “How can we enter? I see a web;
it looks as if it was made before the birth of Muhammad. There are two pigeons
standing there. If there was somebody in there, would they stand there?” So
they accepted that the cave was empty, and departed. [Qadi Iyaad’s
al-Shifa;; Musnad Imam Ahmad; Hafiz ibn Kathir’s al-Bidaya wal-Nihaya; Imam
al-Haythami, Majma’ al-Zawa’id]
45. He restrained and consoled a
violent camel which would attack anyone who approached it.
• This camel approached the
Messenger of Allah, bowed before him and then sat beside him. The Messenger of
Allah put a bridle on it, and the camel said to him: “They made me do the
heaviest work and now they want to slaughter me. That is why I became wild.” The
Messenger asked its owner if this was true. He replied, “Yes.” [Musnad
Imam Ahmad; Imam al-Haythami, Majma’ al-Zawa’id; Hafiz ibn Kathir’s al-Bidaya
wal-Nihaya; Imam al-Hakim’s al-Mustadrak]
46. The slow horse of Sayyidina Abu
Talha became the fastest of horses after the Messenger of Allah rode on it.
• One night, there were noises heard
outside the city of Madinah, which startled its residents. The people went to
investigate but they saw the Messenger of Allah already returning from the
scene. He settled the people, saying, “There is nothing to fear.” He was riding
on Sayyidina Abu Talha’s horse which was extremely slow, and had gone before
everyone else to investigate the matter. Then he said to Sayyidina Abu Talha,
“Your horse is extremely swift and unfaltering.” After that night, no horse was
able to catch up with it. [Bukhari; Muslim; Ibn Majah; Abu Dawud;
47. Through the Messenger of Allah’s
blessings, the memory of Sayyidina Abu Hurayra became so incredibly sharp that
he never forgot anything after that.
• Sayyidina Abu Hurayra said to
Allah's Messenger: "I hear many ahadith (narrations) from you but I forget
them." Allah's Messenger said, "Spread your rida' (garment)." So
I did accordingly and then he moved his hands as if filling them with something
(and emptied them in my rida'), and then he said, "Take and wrap this
sheet over your body." I did it, and after that I never forgot any thing.
48. The angels would guard the
Messenger of Allah.
• Sayyidina Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas narrates:
“At the Battle of Uhud we saw two white-dressed persons on either side of
Allah’s Messenger, guarding him like sentries. We understood that they were the
angels, Jibra’il and Mika’il.” [Bukhari; Muslim; Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
49. The Messenger of Allah healed
the deeply wounded leg of Sayyidina Salama.
• During the battle of Khaybar,
Sayyidina Salama b. al-Aqwa’s leg was struck and split open by a sword. The
Messenger of Allah breathed onto it, and the leg was healed instantly.
[Bukhari; Abu Dawud]
50. A child who had been mute all
his life began to speak when spoken to by the Messenger of Allah.
• It is reported that he was an
older child but was mute i.e. unable to speak. He went to the Messenger of
Allah, who asked the child: “Who am I?” The child, who had been mute from
birth, replied: “You are the Messenger of Allah,” and began to speak from then
onwards. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Hafiz ibn Kathir’s al-Bidaya wal-Nihaya]
51. Sayyidina Hamza wished to see
the angel Jibra’il, so the Messenger of Allah showed him; he fell unconscious
at the sight.
• Sayyidina Hamza pleaded with the
Messenger of Allah to see Jibra’il. So he showed him to Sayyidina Hamza in the
Ka‘bah, but he could not endure it and fell to the ground unconscious. [Qadi
Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Mulla Ali al-Qari, Sharh al-Shifa]
52. At Hudaibiya, the water of a
well had dried out, so the Messenger of Allah rinsed his mouth into it and the
water levels rose up once again.
• Narrated Sayyidina al-Bara: “We
were one thousand four hundred persons on the day of Al-Hudaibiya, and (at)
Al-Hudaibiya (there) was a well. We drew out its water not leaving even a
single drop. The Prophet sat at the edge of the well and asked for some water
with which he rinsed his mouth, and then he threw it out into the well. We
stayed for a short while and then drew water from the well and quenched our
thirst, and even our riding animals drank water to their satisfaction.”
53. A branch from tree responded to
his call, went to him and then returned to its place.
• Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Abbas
narrates: Allah’s Messenger asked a Bedouin, “Will you testify that I am the
Messenger of Allah if a branch of that tree comes to me when I call to it?” The
Bedouin replied, “‘Yes.” The Messenger of Allah called to the branch. It broke
off and jumped near him, then jumped back when he told it to do so.”
[Tirmidhi; Imam al-Haythami, Majma’ al-Zawa’id]
54. Water flowed from his blessed
fingers in abundance.
• Sayyidina Anas b. Malik narrates:
It was the time of Asr prayer and people searched for water but in vain. Then
the Messenger of Allah brought some water for ablution and he dipped his hand
into the vessel, and ordered the people to do their wudhu. I
saw water running out from under his fingers and all people till the last one
did their ablution.” [Bukhari; Muslim]
55. His prayer for Sayyidina
Abdullah ibn Abbas, who consequently became the scholar amongst the Companions.
• The Messenger of Allah said, “O
Allah! Give him knowledge of religion and teach him interpretation.” This
supplication was accepted in such a way that Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Abbas
gained the glorious title of ‘Interpreter of the Qur’an’, and reached the
elevated degree of ‘learned scholar of the Muslim community.’ [Bukhari; Muslim;
Mustadrak; Imam ibn Hajar’s al-Isaba]
56. He prayed for Sayyidina Abu
Qatada who, as a result, had a youthful radiant face until he died at the age
of seventy.
• Allah’s Messenger prayed for the
Sayyidina Abu Qatada so that he would remain youthful: “May Allah prosper your
face! O Allah, bless his hair and his skin!” When he died at the age of
seventy, he was like a youth of fifteen. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Mulla Ali
al-Qari’s Sharh al-Shifa]
57. A lion killed the son of Abu
Lahab as a result of the curse of the Messenger of Allah.
• The Messenger of Allah said, ‘Utba
b. Abu Lahab: “O Allah, beset a dog on him from among your dogs!” Some time
later, ‘Utba went on a journey during which a lion sought him out from among
the caravan, and tore him to pieces. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Mulla Ali al-Qari,
Sharh al-Shifa]
58. One of the camels of the
Messenger of Allah grieved for him when he passed away, until it died.
• Allah’s Messenger had a camel
called ‘Adba. After the Prophet died, the camel neither ate nor drank due to
grief, until it died. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
59. A man who rejected a command of
the Messenger of Allah was cursed by him, and then struck by paralysis.
• Once Allah’s Messenger saw a man
eating with his left hand. He ordered him to eat with his right hand. The man
replied: “I can’t.” The Messenger said as a malediction: “Henceforth you will
be unable to raise it.” And after that he was unable to use it. [Muslim; ibn
Hibban; Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
60. The Messenger of Allah gave
several strands of his blessed hair to Sayyidina Khalid bin Waleed, who never
lost a battle since then due to its blessings.
• Allah’s Messenger gave Sayyidina
Khalid b. al-Waleed (known as Allah’s Sword) several of his hairs and prayed
for his victory in battle. Sayyidina Khalid put them in his cap. As the result
of these hairs and the blessings of the prayer, there was never a battle in
which he then fought but he was victorious. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Imam
al-Haythami, Majmau’z-Zawaid; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak]
61. The Messenger of Allah returns
every greeting sent upon him. Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad!
• Sayyidina Abu Hurayra narrates
that the Messenger of Allahsaid, “No one greets me except Allah has returned my
soul to me so that I can return his salam.” [Abu Dawud]
62. The Messenger of Allah, though
living in times deprived of medical science, had extremely vast knowledge of
medical cures and remedies.
• Imam ibn al-Qayyim says in his
book of Prophetic medicine: "We have tried the Prophetic cures and found that
they are more powerful than any type of regular medicine." [al-Tibb
al-Nabawi, Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya]
63. His entrance into the city of
Madinah transformed it into a sanctuary, and filled it with immense blessing.
This was a city which had previously suffered from great troubles and
affliction, and then became the best of them due to the Messenger of Allah.
• "The Beloved Messenger said,
“Madinah is best for them if they knew..." [Muslim]
64. The Messenger of Allah’s city,
al-Madinah, is guaranteed protection from plague and the Dajjal.
• Sayyidina Abu Hurayra reports that
the Beloved Messenger of Allah said, “There are angels guarding the entrances
(or roads) of Madinah; neither plague nor Dajjal will be able to enter it.”
65. The dates of his blessed city of
al-Madinah provide protection from poison and witchcraft.
• Sayyidina Saud narrated that the
Beloved Messenger said, “If somebody takes some Ajwa dates every morning, he
will not be affected by poison or magic on that day till night.” (Another
narrator said seven dates). [Bukhari]
66. Invoking blessings and
salutations upon him blesses a person with Allah’s forgiveness, and the
fulfilment of needs.
• In a narration from Sayyidina
Ubayy b. Kaab: Sayyidina Ubayy b. Kaab said, “O Messenger of Allah, what if I
make my entire prayer devoted exclusively to sending salutations and blessings
upon you? The Messenger of Allah replied, “In that case, all of your needs will
be fulfilled by Allah and your sins shall be forgiven.” [Tirmidhi]
67. One hundred and thirty
Companions were fully fed with four handfuls of dough and a small amount of
goat’s meat.
• Sayyidina Abd al-Rahman, the son
of Sayyidina Abu Bakr al-Siddiq relates: “We, one hundred and thirty
Companions, were with the Noble Messenger of Allah on an expedition. Dough was
prepared to the amount of about four handfuls, a goat was slaughtered and
cooked, and its liver and kidneys were roasted. I swear by Allah that from that
roasted meat [liver and kidneys], the Messenger of Allah gave a small piece to
each person, and put the cooked meat into two large bowls. After we had all
eaten until we were full, there was still some left over, which I loaded onto a
camel.” [Bukhari; Muslim; Musnad Imam Ahmad; al-Fath al-Rabbani]
68. When the Messenger of Allah and
Sayyidina Siddiq-e-Akbar were travelling to Madinah for migration, a shepherd
saw them. He went to inform the Quraysh but then his memory failed him.
• During migration to Madinah, when
a shepherd saw Allah's Messenger and Sayyidina Abu Bakr. He immediately went to
Makkah in order to inform the Quraysh, but when he arrived there, he forgot
what he had come for. Tried as he might, he could not remember his intention,
so he had to turn back. [Qadi Iyad, al-Shifa, 1:351; Mulla Ali al-Qari, Sharh
69. His arrival was awaited by the
wisest people of their times; they knew he was the Chosen Messenger of Allah.
• Before the Prophet was sent, a
knowledgeable person named Asqalani’l-Himyari would ask the people of Quraysh
whenever he saw them: “Is there anyone who claims Prophethood among you?” and
the people of Quraysh would say “No.” Later, after the duty of Prophethood was
assigned to the Messenger of Allah, Asqalani’l-Himyari asked again and they
replied, “Yes, someone is claiming Prophethood.” Asqalani said: “Behold, the
world has been expecting him.” [Qadi Iyaad, al-Shifa; Mulla Ali al-Qari, Sharh
al-Shifa; Imam Nabhani, Hujjatullah ala’l-Alameen]
70. Though his height was generally
of medium stature, he was seen taller than anyone standing near him.
• Sayyidina Anas b. Malik reports,
"The Messenger of Allah was neither tall nor was he short…” In one hadith, it
is mentioned that when the Messenger of Allah used to stand up in a group, he
appeared to be the tallest among them. This was not due to his height, but was
a result of a Miracle. In the manner that no one had reached a higher status
than the Messenger of Allah super-intellectual status, likewise in the outward
appearance, none could excel him. [from Shama’il Tirmidhi; chapter on Noble
Features of the Messenger of Allah]
71. Evidence of his journey to
Jerusalem, al-Israa, was confirmed by the Patriarch of
Jerusalem in the court of Caesar.
• It is reported that Sayyidina Abu
Sufyan said, about his meeting with Caesar before he embraced Islam: "By
Allah, nothing stopped me from saying something to Caesar to make him despise
Muhammad, but the fact that I did not want to tell a lie that would later be
found out, and he would never believe me again after that.
Then I told him about the night on
which he was taken on the Night Journey.
I said: “O King, shall I not
tell you of something from which you will know that he is lying?” He said,
“What is it?” I said: “He claims that he went out of our land, the land of
al-Haram, in one night, and came to your sanctuary in Jerusalem, then came back
to us the same night, before morning came.” The Patriarch of Jerusalem was
there, standing next to Caesar. The Patriarch of Jerusalem said, “I know that
night.” Caesar looked at him and said, “How do you know about this?” He said,
“I never used to sleep at night until I closed the doors of the sanctuary. On
that night, I closed all the doors except for one, which I could not manage to
close. I asked my workers and others who were with me to help me deal with it,
but we could not move it. It was like trying to move a mountain. So I called
the carpenters, and they looked at it and said: the lintel and some part of the
structure have fallen onto it. We cannot move it until morning, when we will be
able to see what the problem is. So I went back and left those two doors open.
The next morning I went back, and saw that the stone at the corner of the
sanctuary had a hole in it, and there were traces of an animal having been
tethered there. I said to my companions, ‘This door has not been closed last
night except for a Prophet, who prayed last night in our sanctuary.’” [Tafsir
ibn Kathir; Surah 17]
72. The Messenger of Allah was
greeted by a specific stone in Makkah which he always recognised after that.
• Sayyidina Jabir b. Samura reported
that Allah's Messenger said, “I recognise the stone in Makkah which used to pay
me salutations before my advent as a Prophet, and I recognise that even now.”
73. The butter of Sayyida Umm Malik
never ran out from the container she would send to the Messenger of Allah.
• Sayyidina Jabir reported that
Sayyida Umm Malik used to send clarified butter in a small skin to the
Messenger of Allah. Her sons would come to her and ask for seasoning when they
had nothing with them (in the form of condiments), and she would go to that
skin in which she offered clarified butter to Allah's Messenger. She would find
clarified butter in that and it kept providing her with seasoning for her
household until she had completely squeezed it. She came to Allah's Messenger
(and informed him about it). Thereupon, he said, “Did you squeeze it?” She
said, “Yes.” Thereupon he said, “If you had left it in that very state, it
would have kept on providing you (with clarified butter) on end.” [Muslim]
74. A small amount of barley which
he gave to a man continued to feed the man and his family until it was weighed.
• Sayyidina Jabir reported that a
person came to Allah's Messenger and asked for food. So he gave him half
a wasq of barley, and the person and his wife and their guests
kept on making use of it, until he weighed it (in order to find out the actual
quantity) and it was no more). He went to Allah's Messenger (and informed him
about it). He said, “Had you not weighed it, you would be eating out of it and
it would have remained intact for you.” [Muslim]
75. The Messenger of Allah owns
the Hawdh al-Kawthar, which is a pool in the Hereafter of the
purest, most delightful drink.
• Sayyidina Sahl b. Saa'd reported
that the Messenger of Allah said, “I shall go to the Pool (of al-Kawthar) before
you, and he who comes would drink, and he who drinks would never feel thirsty,
and there would come to me people whom I would know and who would know me.”
76. The Hawdh al-Kawthar is
a pool of incredible beauty and goodness which will completely quench all
• Sayyidina Abdullah b. Amr al-‘As
reported that Allah's Messenger said, “My Pool (is as wide and broad that it
requires) a month’s journey (to go round it) all, and its sides are equal, and
its water is whiter than silver, and its odour is more fragrant than the most
fragrant of musk, and its jugs (placed round it) are like stars in the sky; and
he who would drink from it would never feel thirsty after that.” [Muslim]
77. His patience and kind character
was proven in the fact that in ten years, he had never said a single word of
harshness towards his servant, Sayyidina Anas b. Malik.
• Sayyidina Anas b. Malik said, “I
served the Messenger of Allah for ten years, and by Allah, he never said to me
any harsh word, and he never said to me about a thing as to why I had done that
and as to why I had not done that.” [Muslim]
78. His blessings were sought by
everyone; the servants of Madinah would go to him after the Fajr prayer
to obtain his blessings over their water vessels.
• Sayyidina Anas b. Malik reported
that when Allah’s Messenger had completed his dawn prayer, the servants of
Madinah came to him with utensils containing water, and no utensil was brought
in which he did not dip his hand; and sometime they came in the cold dawn (and
he did not feel reluctant in granting to their request, even in the cold
weather) and dipped his hand in them. [Muslim]
79. He was loved so greatly by his
Companions that they would not even let one of his blessed hairs touch the
• Sayyidina Anas b. Malik reported,
“I saw when the Messenger of Allah have his hair cut by the barber. His
Companions surrounded him and they eagerly wished that no hair should fall but
in the hand of a person.” [Muslim]
80. His blessed natural fragrance
and beautiful skin were manifestations of the complete perfection of his being.
Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam!
• Sayyidina Anas b. Malik reported,
“I never smelt ambergris or musk as fragrant as the fragrance of the body of
Allah's Messenger, and I never touched brocade or silk and found it as soft as
the body of Allah's Messenger.” [Muslim]
81. Reciting durood upon
the Beloved Prophet brings Allah’s peace and blessings upon the recitor.
• Sayyidina Abd al Rahman ibn Awf
narrates that the Messenger of Allah said: “I met Jibra’il who said, “I give
you good news that Allah has said: Whosoever asks for peace for you (O
Prophet), I ask for peace for him; whosoever blesses you, I bless him.” [Imam
al-Hakim’s al-Mustadrak; Imam Bayhaqi, Sunan al-Kubra; Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
82. His kindness and compassion over
the believers is confirmed by Allah’s Words.
• Allah Most High addresses the
people saying: “Now has come to you a Messenger from among yourselves; it
grieves him that you should perish; he is ardently anxious over you: to the
believers, is he most kind and merciful.” [Qur’an 9:128]
83. Our deeds are presented to him,
and he shows gratitude to Allah or asks for our forgiveness according to the
nature of them. Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
• Sayyidina Abdullah bin Masud
narrates that the Messenger of Allah said, “My life is blissful for you because
you hear traditions from people and relate them to others, and my death is also
blissful for you because your deeds will be presented to me. If I see the
virtues prevail, I will be grateful to Allah, and if I see the vices prevail, I
will pray for your forgiveness from Allah.” [Imam Haythami, Majma uz-Zawaid;
Musnad Imam Bazzar; Imam ibn Saa’d’s al-Tabaqat al Kubra; Qadi Iyaad’s
84. The Messenger of Allah will
intercede on the Day of Judgement for one who visits his blessed grave.
• Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar
narrates that the Messenger of Allah said, “Whosoever visits my grave, my
intercession becomes wajib (obligatory) for him.” [Imam
al-Daraqutni’s Sunan; Imam al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al-Iman]
85. The remembrance of the Messenger
of Allah continues to thrive, and will do so eternally through the Grace of
• Extracted from Tafsir ibn Kathir
on Surah al-Kawthar: “When the sons of a man died, the people used to say, “He
has been cut off.” So, when the sons of the Messenger of Allah died, they said,
“Muhammad has been cut off.” Thus, Allah revealed: “For he who hates you, he
will be cut off.” [Qur’an 108:3]
So they thought in their ignorance
that if his sons died, his remembrance would be cut off. Allah forbid! To the
contrary, Allah preserved his remembrance for all the world to see, and He
obligated all the servants to follow his Law. This will continue for all of
time until the Day of Gathering and the coming of the Hereafter. May the
blessings of Allah and His peace be upon him forever until the Day of
Assembling.” Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin abadan abada! (O Allah,
send Your blessings upon our Master Muhammad forever and ever.)
86. A Christian delegation
attempting to challenge him about tawheed then feared his
curse and pleaded for his amnesty.
• A delegation from the Christians
of Najran (in Yemen) came to Madinah to argue about Prophet Isa or Jesus,
claiming that he was divine and the son of Allah.
Then Allah revealed: “If anyone
disputes in this matter with you, now after knowledge has come to you, say:
come let us gather together, our sons and your sons, our women and your women,
ourselves and yourselves: then let us earnestly pray, and invoke the curse of
Allah upon those who lie!” [Qur’an 3:61] This act of invoking curse of
Allah upon the wrongdoers is referred to as Mubahalah.
Imam ibn Ishaq said, “When this
verse came to the Messenger from Allah , thus judging between him and the
People of the Book, Allah also commanded the Prophet to call them to the Mubahalah if
they still refused the truth. The Prophet called them to the Mubahalah.
They said, `O Abu al-Qasim! Let us think about this matter and get back to you
with our decision to what we want to do.’ They left the Prophet and conferred
with al-‘Aqib, to whom they referred to for advice. They said to him, ‘O
Abdul-Masih! What is your advice?’ He said, ‘By Allah, O Christian fellows! You
know that Muhammad is a Messenger and that he brought you the final word
regarding your fellow (‘Isa). You also know that no Prophet conducted Mubahalah with
any people, and (yet) the old persons among them remained safe and the young
people grew up. Indeed, it will be the end of you if you do it. If you have
already decided that you will remain in your religion and your creed regarding
your fellow (‘Isa), then conduct a treaty with the man (Muhammad, may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and go back to your land.’
They came to the Prophet and said, ‘O Abu al-Qasim! We decided that we cannot
do Mubahalah with you, and that you remain on your religion,
while we remain on our religion. However, send with us a man from your
Companions whom you are pleased with to judge between us regarding our monetary
disputes, for you are acceptable to us in this regard.’” [extract from Tafsir
ibn Kathir, Qur’an 3:61]
87. The Messenger of Allah was given
the choice between life and death.
• Sayyidina Abu Sa’id al-Khudri
relates that the Messenger of Allah announced to his Companions: “Allah has
given a slave the choice between this world and that which is with Him. That
slave has chosen that which is with Allah.” Later, they found out that the
‘slave’ was actually in reference to the beloved Messenger of Allah himself.
[Bukhari; Muslim]
88. Seeking blessings from his grave
removed a drought which occurred at the time of Sayyidina Umar’s reign.
• Sayyidina Malik al-Darr narrates:
“The people suffered a drought during Umar’s caliphate, whereupon a man
[according to Imam ibn Hajar, it was the companion Sayyidina Bilal ibn
al-Harith] came to the grave of the Messenger of Allah and said, “Messenger of
Allah! Ask for rain for your Community, for verily they have but perished.”
After this, the Messenger of Allah appeared to him in a dream and told him, “Go
to Umar and give him my greeting, then tell him that they will be watered. Tell
him: Be clever!” The man went and told Umar. The latter wept and said: “My
Lord! I spare no effort except in what escapes my power.” [Imam Bayhaqi,
Dala’il al-Nubuwwa; Imam Subki, Shifa al Siqam fi Ziyarat Khayr al Anaam]
89. To respect and honour him is
vital for one's faith, and to neglect this even slightly will render one’s
virtues and deeds completely void.
• This is to the extent that Allah
Most High forbade the believers from even raising their voices in the blessed
presence of His Messenger. “O you who believe! Raise not your voices above the
voice of the Prophet, nor speak aloud to him in talk, as you may speak aloud to
one another, lest your deeds become vain and you perceive not. Those that lower
their voice in the presence of Allah's Messenger, their hearts has Allah tested
for piety: for them is forgiveness and a great reward.” [49:2-3]
Hafiz ibn Kathir reports in his
Tafsir, regarding this verse, that Sayyidina Abdullah bin Az-Zubayr said,
“After that, Umar's voice was so low that the Messenger of Allah had to ask him
to repeat what he said so that he could understand what he was saying to him.”
90. Allah spoke of the arrival of
His final Messenger in the Torah.
• “Allah revealed to one of the
Prophets of the Children of Israel whose name was Sha’ya’ (Isaiah): “Stand up
among your people the Children of Israel and I shall cause your tongue to utter
(words of) revelation. I shall send an unlettered (Prophet) from among the
illiterate. (…) Through him I will open blind eyes, deaf ears and sealed
hearts. I will guide him to do every good deed and I will bestow upon him every
noble characteristic. I will make tranquillity his garment, righteousness his
banner, piety his conscience, wisdom his speech, truthfulness and loyalty his
nature, tolerance and goodness his character, truth his way, justice his
conduct, guidance his leader, Islam his nation. Ahmad is his name and through
him I will guide people…” [Tafsir ibn Kathir, Surah 33; Imam Ghazali’s Ihya
Ulum al Deen]
91. The knowledge of the Messenger
of Allah completely overwhelms the knowledge of the entire creation.
• Wahb ibn Munabbih said, "From
my readings, it has been has become evident that if all the intelligence of
humanity, from the first to the last, were to be gathered as one, it would be
in comparison to the intelligence of the Prophet, praise and peace be
upon him, as a single grain of sand." [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
92. The Beloved Messenger is the
most beautiful of all Prophets, thus the most beautiful of all creation.
• Sayyidina Anas bin Malik narrated
that the Beloved Messenger said, “Allah did not send a Prophet except with a
beautiful face and a beautiful voice, and your Prophet is the most beautiful of
them in face and voice.” [Tirmidhi]
93. When the Beloved Messenger of
Allah would step on a rock, his blessed footprint would be imprinted upon it.
• One such imprint is kept in the
famous Topkapi Palace in Turkey, and many others are present throughout the
94. The wives of the Beloved
Messenger of Allah hold a unique dignified status of honour amongst the women
of the world.
• Allah Most High says, “O wives of
the Prophet! You are not like any other women.” [Qur’an33:32]
95. The Messenger of Allah is closer
to the believers than their own selves, and has rights over them.
• Allah says, “The Prophet is closer
to the believers than themselves...” [Qur’an 33:6]
On this verse, Hafiz ibn Kathir
says: Allah tells us how His Messenger is merciful and sincere towards his
Ummah, and how he is closer to them than they are to themselves. His judgement
or ruling takes precedence over their own choices for themselves. [Tafsir ibn
96. His speech was distinctive in
its eloquence and linguistic beauty.
• The Companions said to him,
"We are unable to find anyone more eloquent than you." To this he
replied, "How could it be otherwise; the Qur’an was revealed on my tongue,
a clear Arabic tongue." [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
97. The wives of the Beloved
Messenger of Allah are the mothers of all believers.
• Allah Most High says: “The Prophet
is closer to the believers than their own selves, and his wives are their
mothers.” [Qur’an 33:6]
98. The Messenger of Allah was
blessed with immense physical strength and ability.
• One report narrates that Rukana al
Muttalibi was the strongest amongst the Quraysh; he was an undefeated wrestler.
The Messenger of Allah wrestled with him twice and overcame him on both
occasions. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
99. Camels would go to him and
volunteer to be his sacrifice on the day of Eid al Adha.
• It was the time for Eid, and
either five, six or seven camels went of their own accord to the Prophet so
that he might sacrifice them. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
100. The Messenger of Allah knew
every detail of creation until the Day of Judgement, and informed his
Companions about them.
• Sayyidina Umar said, “One day the
Messenger of Allah stood up amongst us for a long period and informed us about
the beginning of creation (and talked about everything in detail), till he
mentioned how the people of Paradise will enter their places and the people of
Hell will enter their places. Some remembered what he had said, and some forgot
it.” [Bukhari]
• Regarding the signs relating to
future events and the Last Day, Sayyidina Hudhayfa reports: “The Messenger of
Allah gave a sermon in which he omitted nothing that would occur up until the
Last Day.” [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
101. He brought a dead child back to
life and offered her the choice to live.
• Imam Hasan al-Basri related: “A
man came weeping to Allah’s Messenger. He said, ‘I had a little girl; she
drowned in such-and-such stream nearby. I left her there.’ Allah’s Messenger
pitied the man and said they would go there together. They went, and the
Messenger called to the dead girl, saying her name. At once, the dead girl
replied, ‘I am present and answer your call gladly.’ Allah’s Messenger asked
her: ‘Do you want to return to your father and mother?’ She replied: ‘No, I
have found something better here [with Allah]!’ [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
102. The saliva of the Messenger of
Allah cured complete blindness.
• Qadi Iyaad relates: Habib, the son
of Fudayk or Furayk, said that his father's eyes became so white that he had no
vision at all. The Messenger of Allah applied some of his saliva into his eyes
whereupon his vision was immediately restored. He was even seen threading a
needle at the age of eighty. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
103. The incredible generosity of
the Messenger of Allah, as witnessed by the Companions and even his enemies.
• Sayyidina ibn Abbas narrates:
“Allah's Messenger was the most generous person, even more generous than the
strong uncontrollable wind (in readiness and haste to do charitable deeds).”
• Sayyidina ibn Abbas also said:
“The Messenger of Allah himself led a simple life but in giving, he would put a
king to shame.” [Shama’il Tirmidhi]
104. The unbelievers were unable to
cause him harm despite numerous assassination attempts.
• Once, the Messenger of Allah was
resting under a tree and he hung his sword from one of its branches. One of the
unbelievers saw this and resolved to kill the Messenger of Allah with his own sword,
imagining the reward and status the Quraysh would give him. He took the sword
from the branch and brandished it above the Messenger of Allah and said, “Who
will protect you from me?” The Messenger of Allah opened his eyes and calmly
said, “Allah.” The man began to tremble with fear and the sword dropped from
his grasp. Then the Messenger of Allah took his sword back, and let the man go.
[Tafseer ibn Kathir 5:11, Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
105. His recitation of the Qur’an
inspired fear and awe in the hearts of those opposing him.
• Sayyidina Umar reports that one
time, before he embraced Islam, he and Sayyidina Abu Jahm b. Hudhayfa had
planned between themselves to kill the Messenger of Allah. It was night time
and as they approached his home they began to listen for him. Then they heard
him recite the verses of the Qur’an [69:1-8]:
"The sure reality!
What is the sure reality?
And what will make you realize what
the sure reality is?
The Thamud and the Aad people
disbelieved in the stunning calamity!
But the Thamud, they were destroyed
by a terrible storm of thunder and lightning!
And the Aad, they were destroyed by
a furious wind, exceedingly violent;
He made it rage against them seven
nights and eight days in succession: so that you could see the people lying
prostrate, as if they had been roots of hollow palm trees tumbled down!
Then do you see any of them left
Upon hearing these verses Sayyidina
Abu Jahm struck Sayyidina Umar on his arm saying, "Save yourself!"
and they ran away in fright. This incident contributed to the conversion of
Umar. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
106. The Messenger of Allah had a
thoroughly in-depth knowledge of old Scriptures.
• “When the unbelievers came to him,
he was able to debate and clearly answer both Jew and Christian according to
their own scripture. He even told them of the secrets of their scriptures and
spoke of their hidden sciences, and informed them of what they choose to
conceal and how they had tampered with their Books.” [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
107. Bahira the Monk recognized the
Messenger of Allah’s Prophethood early in his childhood.
• This is the famous story of the
well-known monk Bahira. At a young age, the Messenger of Allah travelled
towards Damascus with his uncle Abu Talib and some of the Quraysh, for the
purpose of trade. They rested when they approached the church of Bahira the
Monk. Bahira, who was a hermit and lived in complete seclusion, suddenly came
out of his monastery. He saw the beloved Messenger of Allah and said, “He
is the Master of the World; he will be a Prophet.” The Quraysh asked, “How do
you know?” The monk replied: “I saw a small cloud over the caravan as you
were coming. When you sat down, the cloud moved towards him and cast its shadow
over him. I also saw trees and rocks prostrate themselves before him; this they
do only before Prophets.” [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
108. During the Battle of Badr, he
threw a handful of dust into the face of the enemy and they fled in
• In reference to the above
incident, Allah Most High says: “And when you threw, it was not you who threw;
it was rather Allah Who threw.” [Qur’an 6:17]
Allah’s Messenger took up a handful
of earth and small stones and threw them at the army of the unbelievers,
saying: “May your faces be deformed!” Just as these words entered the ears of
all of them, despite being a single phrase, so too the handful of earth entered
the eyes of each one of the unbelievers. Each became preoccupied with his eyes,
and although on the attack, the army suddenly turned and fled. [Imam
al-Haythami, Majma al-Zawaid]
109. He nudged the weak camel of
Sayyidina Jabir and it suddenly became full of energy.
• Sayyidina Jabir b. Abdullah had a
camel which was weak. The beloved Messenger of Allah prodded it and it became
so lively that after that, Sayyidina Jabir had to use all his power to control
it. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
110. He completely changed the state
of Sayyidina Fudhala ibn Umayr, who originally wanted to assassinate him.
• It was the year of the conquest of
Makkah. Sayyidina Fudhala himself tells us, "I wanted to kill the Prophet
as he circumambulated the Ka’bah. As I drew near to him he asked, 'Is it
Fudhala?' and I replied that it was. He then asked, 'What were you saying to
yourself?' and I replied, ‘Nothing, I was making remembrance of Allah (dhikr)’.
The Messenger of Allah laughed and asked Allah to forgive me, then placed his
hand on my chest and my heart became still. By Allah, as soon as he lifted it,
Allah had not created anyone more beloved to me than him." [Qadi Iyaad’s
al-Shifa; Imam ibn Hajar Asqalani’s al-Isaba; Imam ibn Kathir’s al-Bidaya
111. The mother of the Messenger of
Allah was told to name him ‘Muhammad’ in a dream prior to his birth.
• Sayyida Amina, his beloved mother,
was told in a dream, “When he is born, name him Muhammad, for his name is Ahmad
in the Torah and the Gospels. He will be praised by those in the Heavens and
those on the earth. In the Qur'an, his name will be Muhammad.” So she named him
thus. [Imam Abu Nu'aym, from Imam Bayhaqi; Dala’il al-Nubuwwah 1/111-112]
112. Abu Lahab is given a small
respite in punishment for some joy he showed when the Messenger of Allah was
• Sayyidina Urwa reports in Sahih
Bukhari: “Thuwaiba was a slave of Abu Lahab. Abu Lahab set her free, and she
suckled the Holy Prophet. When Abu Lahab died, someone from his family saw him
in a dream, in the worst possible condition. The person asked him, ‘What did
you get?’ Abu Lahab said, ‘After I was separated from you, I did not find any
peace, except that because I freed Thuwaiba, I am given a drink through this
(i.e. the finger).” [Bukhari]
113. The Messenger of Allah saw the
angel Jibra’il in his true form.
• ”And indeed he saw him in the
clear horizon” [Qur’an 81:23] - meaning, indeed the Messenger of Allah saw the
angel Jibra’il, who brought him the Message from Allah, in the form that Allah
created him in (i.e. his true form), and he had six hundred wings. [Tafsir ibn
Kathir 81:23]
114. Allah’s forgiveness should be
sought through the His Beloved Messenger.
• “And if, when they wronged
themselves, they had come to you, [O Muhammad, peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him], and asked forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger had
asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah accepting of repentance
and Merciful.” [Qur’an 4:64]
115. The Messenger of Allah told
Sayyidina Rabi’ah b. Kaab to ask for anything his heart desired.
• Sayyidina Rabi'ah ibn Kaab
narrates, "I was with Allah’s Messenger one night and I brought him water
and what he required. He said to me, ‘Ask (anything you like).’ I said, ‘I ask
your company in Paradise.’ He (the Holy Prophet) said, ‘Or anything else
besides it?’ I said, ‘That is all (that I require).’ He said, ‘Then help me to
achieve this for you by devoting yourself often to prostration.’ [Muslim]
• Mulla Ali Qari writes an
interpretation of this Hadith: “The Beloved Prophet, may Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him, kept the question open-ended, which shows that Allah has
granted such authority to the Holy Prophet, that he can grant whatever he
wishes to anybody, from the treasures of the Lord. [Mirqat al-Mafatih Sharah
Mishqat, Vol. 2, Page no. 323]
• Shaykh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlvi
states regarding this Hadith: ‘Sal’ (meaning: ask) is an unconditional
question. There are no limitations or restrictions attached to it. This is to
understand that it is within the power and authority of Beloved Prophet, may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, to grant the desire. Whatever and to
whomever the Beloved Prophet desires, he can grant it, by the permission of
Allah. [Ashiatul Lam’aat, commentary of Mishkaat al-Masabih]
116. Sayyidina Urwa b. Masud told
the unbelievers: “Never have I seen any king respected by his courtiers as much
as Muhammad is respected by his Companions.”
• While Sayyidina Urwa bin Masud was
an unbeliever, the Quraysh sent him as envoy to the Beloved Messenger. When he
returned to his people, he said, “O people! By Allah, I have been to the kings
and to Caesar, Chosroes and an-Najashi, yet I have never seen any of them
respected by his courtiers as much as Muhammad is respected by his companions.
By Allah, if he spat, the saliva would fall in the hand of one of them (i.e.
the Prophet's companions) who would rub it on his face and skin; if he ordered
them, they would carry out his order immediately; if he performed ablution,
they would compete to take the remaining water; and when he spoke, they would
lower their voices and would not look at his face constantly out of respect.”
117. The Messenger of Allah affirmed
that the angel Jibra’il would support his poet and close Companion Sayyidina
Hassaan b. Thabit.
• Sayyidina al-Bara narrates: “The
Messenger of Allah said to Hassaan, "Lampoon them (the pagans) in verse,
and Jibra’il is with you." [Bukhari]
118. The angel Jibra’il would often
send greetings to the wives of the Messenger of Allah.
• Sayyida A’isha narrates that the
Messenger of Allah said: "O Aisha! This is Jibra’il sending hisgreetings
to you." I said, "Peace, and Allah's Mercy be on him." Sayyida
'Aisha added: The Prophet used to see things which we used to not see.
119. The Messenger of Allah had a
sweet and pleasant humour.
• The brother of Sayyidina Anas ibn
Malik was called Abu ‘Umayr and he had a bird whose name was al-nughayr. The
bird died and the child grieved for it, and the Messenger of Allah cheered him
up by saying, “O Abu ‘Umayr, what happened to al-nughayr?”
The nughayr is a small bird like a sparrow, or it was said
that it is a nightingale. [Bukhari; Muslim]
This incident highlights the soft
and delightful humour of the Messenger of Allah.
120. The blessings of the Messenger
of Allah allowed Sayyidina Jabir to pay off his deceased father’s huge debt.
• Narrated Sayyidina Jabir: “My
father had died in debt. So I came to the Prophet and said, ‘My father (died)
leaving unpaid debts, and I have nothing except the yield of his date palms;
and their yield for many years will not cover his debts. So please come with
me, so that the creditors may not misbehave with me.’ The Prophet went round
one of the heaps of dates and invoked (Allah), and then did the same with
another heap and sat on it and said, ‘Measure (for them).’ He paid them their
rights and what remained was as much as had been paid to them.” [Bukhari]
121. He is the perfect completion
and seal of Prophethood.
• Sayyidina Abu Hurayra narrates
that the Messenger of Allah said:"My similitude in comparison with the
other Prophets before me, is that of a man who has built a house nicely and beautifully,
except for a place of one brick in a corner. The people go about it and wonder
at its beauty, but say: 'Would that this brick be put in its place!' So I am
that brick, and I am the last of the Prophets." [Bukhari]
122. Due to the prayers of the
Messenger of Allah, Sayyidina as-Sa’ib’s hearing and sight was still strong at
the age of ninety-four.
• “Sayyidina as-Sa'ib bin Yazid,
when he was ninety-four years old, quite strong and of straight figure, said,
"I know that I enjoyed my hearing and seeing powers only because of the
invocation of Allah's Messenger. My aunt took me to him and said, 'O Allah's
Messenger! My nephew is sick; will you invoke Allah for him?' So he invoked
(Allah) for me." [Bukhari]
123. He could see his Pool,
the Hawdh al Kawthar, from the pulpit as he addressed the people
after Uhud.
• Sayyidina Uqba bin 'Amr narrates:
The Messenger of Allah once came out and offered the funeral prayer for the
martyrs of Uhud, and proceeded to the pulpit and said, "I shall be your
predecessor and a witness over you, and I am really looking at my sacred Fount
now, and no doubt, I have been given the keys of the treasures of the world..”
124. His blessings enabled a small
amount of food to be distributed in abundance to his entire family.
• Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra had
prepared enough food for her family. She then sent Sayyidina Ali to invite the
Messenger of Allah to eat with them. Allah’s Messenger went and told them to
send a dish of food to each of his wives. Sayyida Fatima said that after a dish
of food had been set aside for the Messenger of Allah, Sayyidina Ali, Sayyida
Fatima and their children, they lifted up the saucepan and it was full, in
fact, overflowing. Through Allah’s Will, they ate of the food for a long time
afterwards. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Imam ibn Hajar’s al-Matalibu’l-Aliya]
125. Due to Allah's Grace upon his
noble character, he had the honour of placing the Hajr ul Aswad in its place.
• When the Quraysh were rebuilding
the Ka'bah, a war almost emerged regarding the Hajr ul Aswad, or Black Stone.
Each tribe of the Quraysh wanted to have the honour of placing it. Eventually
one of the leaders of the Quraysh said, "Let us allow the first man who
enters the Haram (sanctuary) to judge between your dispute." The Messenger
of Allah was the first man, and when they saw him, they all cried, "It is
al-Ameen (the Trustworthy)! We are satisfied, it is Muhammad!" Then he
solved their dispute and ended the threat of civil war. He told them to place
the Hajr ul Aswad in the centre of a cloth, which all the leaders held the
corners of. Then he himself placed the Hajr ul Aswad into its place with his
blessed hands. [Imam Ibn Hisham's Sirat al Nabi]
126. On the conquest of Makkah, each
idol in the Ka’bah fell and broke upon his gesture towards them.
• “On the conquest of Makkah, there
were three hundred and sixty idols around the Ka’bah, fixed with lead to the
stone. That day, the Messenger of Allahpointed to each of the idols in turn
with a stick he was holding curved like a bow, saying, “The Truth has arrived
and falsehood has perished; indeed, falsehood is ever bound to perish.” [Qur’an
17:81] Whichever one he pointed to, it fell down. If he pointed to the face of
the idol, it fell backwards; otherwise, it fell on its face. Thus, they all
toppled over and fell to the ground. [Imam al-Haythami’s Majma al-Zawaid]
127. One single bowl of meat brought
to him sufficed the hunger of crowds of Companions.
• Sayyidina Samura relates: “A bowl
of meat was brought to the Messenger of Allah. From morning to evening, many
groups of men came and ate from it.” [Tirmidhi; Sunan Abu Dawud; Musnad; Imam
al-Hakim’s al-Mustadrak]
128. One cup of milk from the
Messenger of Allah fed over a hundred Companions.
• Sayyidina Abu Hurayra narrates:
“Once I was hungry, so I followed the Messenger of Allah into his house. There
we saw that a cup of milk had been brought as a gift. Allah’s Messenger said to
me: “Call all the People of the Bench (Ahlus Suffah)!” I said to myself, “I
could drink all the milk myself,” as I was most in need of it. However, since
it was Allah’s Messenger’s order, I fetched the People of the Bench, who
numbered more than a hundred. Allah’s Messenger told me to offer milk to them.
I gave the cup to each one by one, and each drank until satisfied.
At the end, the Messenger of Allah
told me, “The rest is for me and you.” As I drank, Allah’s Messenger kept
telling me to drink more, until I said, “I swear by the Glorious One who sent
you with the truth, that I am too full to drink any more.” Then Allah’s
Messenger drank the rest, invoking the name of God and offering Him thanks.”
May it be a blessing for him a hundred thousand times! [Bukhari; Tirmidhi;
Musnad; Imam al-Hakim’s al-Mustadrak]
129. At Tabuk, the Messenger of
Allah performed ablution and increased that small amount of water in blessings
and amount.
• Sayyidina Muaadh ibn Jabal
narrates: “We came across with a fountain during the Expedition of Tabuk;
the water flowing was in the thickness of a rope. The Messenger of Allah
ordered us to “get a little water from it”. That little water was poured into
his palm. The Messenger of Allah washed his face and hands with that water.
Then, we put that water into the fountain. Upon this, the outlet of the
fountain opened at once and water poured plentifully and met the needs of the
whole army.” Imam ibn Ishaq says: “The water poured with a sound like thunder
coming from under the soil.” [Imam Malik’s Muwatta; Musnad Imam Ahmad; Imam
Bayhaqi, Dalail al Nubuwwah]
130. After the above miracle of
increase in water, the Messenger of Allah demonstrated his knowledge of the
future regarding both the life-span of Sayyidina Muaadh and the future
prosperity of that soil.
• After this miracle, the Messenger
of Allah said to Sayyidina Muadh “This blessed water which is an effect of this
miracle will allow this place to become a garden: if you live (until then), you
will see.” Of course, what he said came true. [Imam Malik’s Muwatta; Musnad
Imam Ahmad; Imam Bayhaqi, Dalail al Nubuwwah]
This proves three points: 1. the
Messenger of Allah was indicating of his knowledge that Sayyidina Muaadh would
live long, 2. the Messenger of Allah knew that land would flourish into a
garden, and 3. the Messenger of Allah knew Sayyidina Muaadh would live to witness
131. The Messenger of Allah was
given the keys of the treasures of the world by Allah.
• Sayyidina Uqba bin 'Amr narrates:
The Messenger of Allahonce came out and offered the funeral prayer for the
martyrs of Uhud, and proceeded to the pulpit and said, "I shall be your
predecessor and a witness over you, and I am really looking at my sacred Fount
now, and no doubt, I have been given the keys of the treasures of the world..”
• The Messenger of Allahsaid,
"I have been given the keys of eloquent speech and given victory with awe
(cast into the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping last night, the
keys of the treasures of the earth were brought to me till they were put in my
hand." [Bukhari]
132. The Messenger of Allah
predicted that nations will unite against the Muslim Ummah. This has
undoubtedly come true.
• The Messenger of Allah said,
"The nations shall gather and team up against you (i.e. the Ummah) as the
predators gather and team up against their preys."
A questioner asked: 'Is it because
of us being low in numbers at that day?' The Messenger of Allahreplied:
"No, you that day shall be in great numbers, but you will be as powerless
as the foam of the water on the surface of the river, and Allah shall remove
any fear from your enemies toward you, and He shall put in your hearts a
corruption." A questioner asked: "O Messenger of Allah, what is the
corruption?" The Messenger of Allah replied: "The love of life's
amusements and the fear of death." [Sunan Abu Dawud]
133. The mother of the Beloved
Messenger, Sayyida Aminah, felt no pain or discomfort when giving birth to him.
• She said "I conceived him and
suffered no pain until delivery.” [Tabarani, Bayhaqi, Imam Abu Nu'aym’s Dalail
134. The Messenger of Allah predicted
that the Khulafa-e-Rashideen (Rightly-Guided Caliphs) would
rule for a total of 30 years.
• "The khilafah in
my Ummah after me will be for thirty years. Then there will be mulkan
'aduudan (hereditary rule) after that." [Tirmidhi; Sunan Abu
Dawud; Musnad Imam Ahmad]
• Sayyidina Abu Bakr ruled for two
years, Sayyidina Umar ruled for ten years, Sayyidina Usman ruled for twelve
years and Sayyidina Ali ruled for six years, which totals thirty years as
135. The earth rejected the corpse
of an apostate who denied the Messenger of Allah.
• Sayyidina Anas b. Malik narrates,
"There was a Christian who embraced Islam and read Surah al-Baqara and
al-Imran, and he used to write (the revelations) for the Prophet. Later on, he
returned to Christianity again and he used to say: "Muhammad knows nothing
but what I have written for him." Then Allah caused him to die, and the
people buried him, but in the morning they saw that the earth had thrown his
body out. They said, "This is the act of Muhammad and his companions. They
dug the grave of our companion and took his body out of it because he had run
away from them." They again dug the grave deeply for him, but in the
morning they again saw that the earth had thrown his body out. They said,
"This is an act of Muhammad and his companions. They dug the grave of our
companion and threw his body outside it, for he had run away from them."
They dug the grave for him as deep as they could, but in the morning they again
saw that the earth had thrown his body out. So they believed that what had
befallen him was not done by human beings and had to leave him thrown (on the
ground)." [Bukhari]
136. A tray of food fed more than a
hundred Companions yet it seemed to remain untouched.
• Sayyidina Abu Hurayra narrates:
"The Messenger of Allah commanded me, ‘Invite the poor Makkan migrants who
have made the Bench [suffa] of the Masjid their home and who
number more than a hundred.’ So I went and searched for them and gathered them
together. A tray of food was set before us, and we ate as much as we wanted,
then we arose. The dish remained full as it was when set down; only the traces
of fingers on the food were visible." [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa, Imam
al-Haythami’s Majma al-Zawaid; Imam Bayhaqi’s Dalail al-Nubuwwa]
137. The Isra’ and Mi’raj of the
Messenger of Allah took place between the night prayer and the morning prayer.
• [Sirat ibn Hisham; Imam ibn Sa'd’s
Tabaqatu'l-Kubra; Tafsir Imam Tabari; Imam Dhahabi’s Tarikhu'l-Islam]
138. A tree split itself into two so
the horse of the Messenger of Allah could pass through it.
• ”While travelling on horseback one
night during the Ta’if expedition, sleep overcame Allah’s Noble Messenger.
While in that state, a lote-tree loomed up before him. To make way for him and
not to hurt his horse, the tree split in two, and the Noble Messenger of Allah,
on the horse, passed between the two parts of the tree.” The tree has remained
as two trunks, in that honoured position, up to our time.” [Qadi Iyaad’s
139. A tree once did tawaf around
the Messenger of Allah.
• “During an expedition, a tree
-called either talha or samura - came, passed
around the Messenger of Allah as if circumambulating (doing tawaf),
and went back to its place. The Messenger of Allah said: ‘The tree requested of
Allah that it should salute me.’ [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa, Imam al-Haythami’s
Majma al-Zawaid; Imam al-Hakim’s al-Mustadrak; Musnad Imam Ahmad]
140. Though unlettered, he is best
of teachers, the guide and master of all mankind.
• The Messenger of Allah said,
"I am the sayyid (Master) of all the children of Adam on the Day of
Judgment, the first to have his grave split open [h: for resurrection], the
first to intercede, and the first to be granted intercession." [Muslim]
141. Allah blessed the Beloved Prophet
with six superior favours above the otherProphets.
• The Messenger of Allah said, “I
have been favoured above the prophets in six things: I have been endowed with
consummate succinctness of speech, made triumphant through dread, war booty has
been made lawful for me, the whole earth has been made a purified place of
worship for me, I have been sent to all created beings, and the succession of
prophets has been completed in me.” [Tirmidhi; ibn Majah]
142. The Messenger of Allah cured
the heart disease of Sayyidina Saa’d bin Abi Waqqas with ajwa dates.
• Sayyidina Saa’d bin Abi Waqqas
narrates, “I was sick, and the Prophet came to pay me a visit. He placed his
hands on my chest and I felt its coolness at my heart. He said: “'You are a man
suffering from heart sickness. So, go to al-Haarith ibn Kaladah, the brother of
Thaqeef, as he is a man who gives medical treatment. He should take seven ajwa dates
of Madinah and grind them with their kernels, and then put them into your mouth
(in one side of your mouth).”” [Sunan Abu Dawud]
143. The Messenger of Allah
witnessed the martyrdom of his grandson Sayyidina Imam Hussain at Karbala.
• Sayyida Salma reported that she
went to Sayyida Umm Salama and found her weeping. She asked her what made her
weep. She said, “I saw Allah’s Messenger in my dream. There was dust on his
head and beard. I asked him, “What is wrong, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “I
have just witnessed Hussain’s murder.”” [Tirimdhi]
144. The first sign of his
Prophethood was dreams or visions which came “strikingly true”.
• According to Sayyida Aisha,
"When Allah wanted to honour the Prophet and have mercy on His servants
through him, the first sign of his Prophethood was true visions. Whenever he
saw a vision whilst sleeping, it turned out to be strikingly true, like the
brightness of daybreak. And Allah made him love solitude so that he loved
nothing more than to be alone." [Sirat ibn Hisham]
145. An enemy who disrespected the
staff, or walking stick, of the Messenger of Allah was seized by infection and
• An enemy once seized the staff of
the Messenger of Allah from Sayyidina Usman, and tried to break it on his knee.
Consequently, his knee became infected, which lead to its amputation, and he
died before the end of the year.” [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
146. The Messenger of Allah
predicted that he himself would slay Ubai b. Khalaf whose fate ended in utter
• “When the Messenger of Allah was
going up the hillock (during the battle of Uhud), he was followed by Ubai bin
Khalaf who was saying: ‘Where is Muhammad? Either I kill him or I will be
killed.’ The Companions of the Messenger of Allah said: ‘O Messenger of Allah,
do you mind if one of us combats with him?’ But the Messenger of Allah said:
‘Leave him!’ So when he drew nearer, the Messenger of Allah took the spear from
Sayyidina al-Harith bin as-Simma. Ubai bin Khalaf shivered violently in such a
way that made all of them scatter in all directions violently and impulsively.
Then the Messenger of Allah faced him, observed his clavicle through a gap
between the wide opening of the armour and the part of his neck enclosed by. He
speared him in that spot. The effect of the stroke was so strong that it made
him roll off his horse over and over. When he returned to Quraysh, they found that
he had only had a small scratch in his neck. So when blood became congested he
said: ‘By Allah, Muhammad has killed me.’ Hearing him say so, they said: ‘By
Allah you are afraid to death. By Allah, you are possessed by a devil.’ He
replied: ‘He had already told me when we were in Makkah: ‘I will kill you.’ By
Allah, had he spat on me, he would have killed me.’ Eventually, the enemy of
Allah breathed his last at a place called Sarif, while they were taking him
back to Makkah.” [Sirat ibn Hisham; Za'd Al-Ma'ad]
147. Allah granted him authority to
divide things among the people as he pleased.
• The Messenger of Allah said on
several occassions, "Allah gives and I am the Distributor!" [Bukhari;
148. In the Qur'an, the Messenger of
Allah is addressed as Prophet/Messenger unlike other Prophets who are addressed
by name.
• [Tafsir Ruhul Bayaan]
149. The honour given to the
Messenger of Allah is more than that given to Prophet Adam when the angels were
ordered to bow to him.
• [Tafsir Ruhul Bayaan]
150. The Messenger of Allah cured
the mental illness of a person by passing his blessed hand over his face.
• Sayyidina al-Wazi had a son who
had become mentally ill. He took him to the Messenger of Allah, who passed his
hand over his face and prayed for him. Thereafter none was more rational than
he. [Imam Abu Nu'aym; Imam al-Bazzar]
151. Due to the excellence of the
Messenger of Allah, our Ummah is the most excellent of them.
• As Imam al-Busayri says in his
famous Qasida Burdah: “Because of the noblest of Prophets, we are the nobles of
152. The light of the Messenger of
Allah was the first of all creation.
• It is related that Sayyidina Jabir
b. Abdullah said to the Messenger of Allah: "O Messenger of Allah, may my
father and mother be sacrificed for you, tell me of the first thing Allah
created before all things." The Messenger of Allah replied: "O Jabir,
the first thing Allah created was the light of your Prophet from His
light..." [Imam Bayhaqi, Dala'il al-Nubuwwa; Imam al-Haythami; Imam al-Qastalani;
Imam al-Suyuti; Shaykh Abd al Qadir, Sirr al-Asraar; Mulla Ali Qari; Imam
Nablusi; Imam Nabahani]
153. This world would not have been
created if not for the Messenger of Allah.
• Sayyidina Salman al-Farsi reports
that, “Jibra’il came to the Messenger of Allah and said, Allah says: I have not
created anyone who is more honoured to me than you. I have created the world
and all that is therein so that they may know the rank that you possess. I
would not have created the world if I had not created you. ” [Imam ibn Asakir]
154. Allah affirmed the pledge of
allegiance to the Messenger of Allah as pledging allegiance to Him.
• Allah Most High says: "Those
who pledge allegiance to you (O Prophet) are but pledging allegiance to Allah.
The Hand of Allah is over their hands." [Qur’an 48:10]
155. The fragrance of his blessed
hand remained for days upon the place it had touched.
• Sayyidina Wa’il ibn Hajar said,
"Whenever I shook hands with the Messenger of Allah, or my skin touched
his skin, I smelled the scent of musk on my hand for three days." [Majma'
156. The Messenger of Allah cured
the toothache of his Companion with his touch and supplication.
• Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Rawaha went
to the Messenger of Allah saying, “O Messenger of Allah, I suffer from a molar
tooth that pains me greatly!” The Messenger of Allah placed his hand on his
cheek saying, “O Allah, remove from him the pain he suffers and the distress,
by the prayer of Your Blessed Prophet, whose rank is high with You!” He repeated
this prayer seven times. Sayyidina ibn Rawaha left the Messenger of Allah’s
presence completely cured. [Imam al-Suyuti, al-Khasa'is al-Kubra]
157. The Messenger of Allah cured
severe swelling and discomfort simply through his blessed touch.
• Sayyidina Shurahbil al-Ju‘fi said,
"I came to the Messenger of Allah with a swelling on my palm and said, ‘O
Messenger of Allah! This swelling has tormented me and it prevents me from
holding my sword or the reins of my mount!’ He blew on my palm, then put his palm
on the swelling and went on massaging it until it disappeared." [Imam
Bukhari’s al-Tarikh al-Kabir; Tabarani; Bayhaqi]
158. Allah mentions the Messenger of
Allah’s journey of al-Mi’raj with great splendour.
• In the verse: “By the star when it
descended.” [Qur’an 53:1]
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq, teacher of
Imam Abu Hanifa, explains that “By the star (wan-najmu)…” refers to
the Messenger of Allah, and the term “when it descended (izaa hawaa)…”
refers to his descent from the skies during the night of Mi'raj. [Tafsir Imam
Thus the explanatory translation of
this verse would read: “By the Star, Muhammad, when he descended from
159. The hair touched by the blessed
hands of the Messenger of Allah often never turned grey.
• Once such report is narrated by
Sayyidina Muhammad ibn Fudala al-Zafari, who said, “The Messenger of Allah
arrived when I was two weeks old. I was brought to him, he passed his hand over
my head saying, ‘Call him by my name, but do not call him by my kunya.’
I was taken along to perform the Farewell Pilgrimage with him when I was ten
years old.” Sayyidina Muhammad ibn Fudala’s life was long, his hair turned
white - but not where the hand of the Messenger of Allah had touched it.” [Imam
Bukhari’s al-Tarikh al-Kabir; Bayhaqi; Majma al-Zawa'id]
160. The face which was touched by
the Messenger of Allah glistened with radiant light.
• Sayyidina Abul ‘Alaa ibn ‘Umayr
said, “I was visiting Qatada ibn Milhan when he was ill. A man passed by the
far end of the house and I saw him reflected in Qatada’s face [so shiny it
was], for the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon
him, had passed his hand over his face. Whenever I saw him it was as if he
had rubbed his face with oil.” [Ahmad; Bayhaqi]
161. The Messenger of Allah passed
his hand over a young man’s head, who reached the age of a hundred and still
had no grey hair.
• Sayyidina Abu Attiya al-Bakri was
taken by his parents to the Messenger of Allah. He was a young man at the time.
The Messenger of Allah passed his hand over his head. When he was a hundred
years old, his head and beard were still black. [Majma' al Zawa'id]
162. To obey Allah, one must obey
the Messenger of Allah!
• “He who obeys the Messenger, has
indeed obeyed Allah…” [Qur’an 4:80]
163. To love Allah AND the Messenger
of Allah is a precondition for the sweetness of faith.
• Sayyidina Anas b. Malik reports
that the Messenger of Allah said, "Whoever possesses the following three
qualities will have the sweetness (delight) of faith:
1. The one to whom Allah and His
Messenger becomes dearer than anything else.
2. Who loves a person and he loves
him only for Allah's sake.
3. Who hates to revert to atheism
(disbelief) as he hates to be thrown into the fire." [Bukhari]
164. Through Messenger of Allah’s
prayer, the sun (which had set) reversed in its course, and Sayyidina Ali was
able to pray his ‘Asr salah.
• Sayyida Asma narrates: Revelation
was being sent to the Messenger of Allah and his head was on the lap of
Sayyidina Ali, who had not yet prayed Asr salah. Eventually, the sun set. The
Messenger of Allah asked, “O Ali, have you prayed?” He replied, “No,” Then the
Messenger of Allah made a plea to Allah: “O Lord, he (Ali) was busy in the
obedience of You and Your Messenger, hence return the sun back for him.”
Sayyida Asma said: “I saw the sun set but then I saw it rising back again, and
daylight became visible upon the mountains and land. This incident took place
near Khaybar.” [Hafiz ibn Kathir’s al Bidayah wan Nihayah; Tafsir Imam Qurtubi]
165. On the day of migration to
Madinah, the camel of the Messenger of Allah was guided by Allah’s Command.
• When the Messenger of Allah first
entered Madinah, the people and the nobles of the city wanted him to reside
with them. He said, "Let it (the she-camel) step forward freely, for it is
commanded (by Allah).” [Sirat ibn Hisham]
166. On the night of the Messenger
of Allah’s migration to Madinah, he left his house which was surrounded by
enemies, and threw dust in their faces; as a result, none of them saw him or
Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq.
• [Sirat ibn Hisham]
167. Abu Jahl was overcome with
terror when the Messenger of Allah approached his door to collect the due of a
foreign businessman.
• Abu Jahl brought a camel from a
man but withheld his money. So he went to an assembly of the Quraysh, whilst
the Messenger of Allah sat in one corner of the Masjid al-Haram, and said,
"Who amongst you can help me retrieve my due payment from Abul Hakam ibn
Hisham (Abu Jahl)? I am a stranger and a wayfarer, and he has taken my
right." They said, "Do you see that man sitting over there?",
and they pointed to the Messenger of Allah, aiming to joke at him, as they knew
well the hostility between him and Abu Jahl. They added, "Go to him, and
he will help you get your right."
This man went to the Messenger of
Allah, and said, "O servant of Allah, Abdul Hakam ibn Hisham (Abu Jahl)
has withheld the money he owes me. I am a stranger and a wayfarer. When I asked
these men to tell me of someone who would help me to get my right, they advised
me to come to you, so go and bring me my money from him, may Allah bless
you." The Messenger of Allah said, "Go to him," and they went to
him together.
When the men of Quraysh saw this,
they sent a man to follow them. The Messenger of Allah went and knocked at Abu
Jahl's door, and when he asled who was there, he replied, "Muhammad! Come
out to me." He came out to him pale with terror, and the Messenger of
Allah said, "Give this man his due." Abu Jahl said, "Do not
leave until I get him his money," and went inside and came out with the
due payment and gave it to the man. The Messenger of Allah went away saying,
"Go to your business." The man returned to the Quraysh assembly and
said, "May Allah reward him, for he has gotten me my right."
The man who the Quraysh had sent to
follow them reported: "It was something unusual. Hardly had he knocked at
his door when he came out bloodless with fear." Just after relating what
had happened, Abu Jahl himself appeared and they said, "What has happened to
you? We have never seen you doing anything like what you have done." Abu
Jahl replied, "Confound you! By Allah, as soon as he knocked on my door
and I heard his voice, I was terrified. Then I went out to him. A camel
stallion was high above his head. I have never seen such a stallion before with
such a head, shoulders and canines. By Allah, if I had not paid him, the
stallion would have devoured me." [Sirat ibn Hisham]
68. As a child, his smile was such
that a light appeared from his blessed mouth which ascended to the skies.
• When his wet-nurse, Halima
al-Sa‘dia, first saw him, she laid her hand on him and he smiled. "When he
smiled," she said, "a light appeared from his mouth that rose to the
sky." [Imam Bayhaqi, Imam Abu Nu'aym]
169. No supplication is valid
without invoking blessings upon the Messenger of Allah.
• Sayyidina Umar narrated that the
Messenger of Allah said, “Supplication is detained between the heavens and the
earth, and no part of it is taken up until you send blessings upon your Prophet.”
170. The beauty of the Messenger of
Allah was so perfect that he was seen more radiant than the moon.
• Sayyidina Jabir b. Samura said, “I
saw Allah’s Messenger on a cloudless night, and he was wearing a red suit of
clothes, so I started looking at him as well as at the moon, for he is indeed
more beautiful, in my opinion, than the moon!” [Tirmidhi, Imam Bayhaqi, Dala’il
• In another version, Sayyidina
Jabir says: “It was a full moon when we were sitting in the mosque. Allah’s
Messenger came in. I looked first at the shining moon, and then at the face of
Allah’s Messenger. I swear by Allah that the face of Allah’s Messenger was
brighter than the moon.” [Imam Suyuti, al-Khasa’is al-Kubra]
171. The Messenger of Allah was appointed
two deputies in Jannah (Jibra’il and Mika’il), and two on Earth (Sayyidina Abu
Bakr and Sayyidina Umar).
• Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Abbas
narrates that the Messenger of Allah said, “Indeed Allah has given me strength
via four deputies – two in the heavens and two upon the Earth. Jibra’il and
Mika’il are my deputies in the heavens and Abu Bakr and ‘Umar are my deputies
in the Earth.” [Imam Abu Nu’aym, Hilyat al-Awliya; Imam Tabarani]
172. On the Day of Judgement, honour
and status will be with the beloved Messenger of Allah.
• Sayyidina Anas reports that the
Messenger of Allah said, “On the Day of Judgement, honour will be with me and
the Keys shall also be with me, and on that day the Liwa’ al-Hamd (the
flag of Praise) will be in my hands.” [Mishkat al Masabih]
173. On the Day of Judgement, the
entire creation including Prophet Ibrahim, will turn towards the Messenger of
• Sayyidina Ubayy b. Kaab reports
that the Messenger of Allah said, regarding the special supplications he has
made: “O Allah! Forgive my people, forgive my people, and I have deferred the
third one (supplication) for the Day on which the entire creation will turn to
me, including even Ibrahim (may Allah’s peace be upon him).” [Muslim]
174. The Messenger of Allah, though
the entire world was at his behest, lived a life of complete humility.
• Sayyida A'isha reports that she
said, “Messenger of Allah! You may wish to take a reclining position when you
eat, for it would be more comfortable for you.” The Messenger of Allah lowered
his head in humility until his head almost touched the ground, and answered,
“No, I would rather eat and sit as a servant does.” [ibn Hibban]
175. The name of the Messenger of
Allah “Muhammad” is derived from Allah’s Name of ‘Mahmud”.
• Sayyidina Hassaan bin Thabit said:
“He (Allah) derived for him a name
from His own Name in order to exalt him,
For the One of the Throne is Praised
(Mahmud), and this is the Praised One (Muhammad).”
176. Allah bestowed help, victory
and leadership upon His beloved Messenger.
• Sayyidina Ubada bin Samit relates
that the Messenger of Allah said: “Jibra’il came to me and gave me glad tidings
that Allah had given me help through the angels; He has given me victory and
help and He has granted me kingdom and leadership”. [Imam Suyuti’s al-Khasa’is
177. The Messenger of Allah is “the
highest amongst his nation and whom people turn towards in difficulty.”
• Commentating on the Hadith of the
Messenger of Allah, “I am the Sayyid (leader) of all people on the Day of Judgement,”
Imam Nawawi writes:
“Qadi Iyaad says that a Sayyid is he
who is the highest amongst his nation and to whom people turn towards in
difficulty. The Messenger of Allah is the Sayyid of all people in this world
and in the Hereafter. The Day of Judgement has been mentioned specifically,
because on this day there will be no other leader and all people will accept
him”. [Sharh Sahih Muslim]
178. The Messenger of Allah removes
illness and difficulty e.g. the case of Imam Busayri, author of Qasida Burda.
• Imam Allama Zarqani writes: “In
Sahih Muslim, one of the titles attributed to the Messenger of Allah is ‘Shaafi’,
meaning he removes illness and difficulty - and whatever complication befalls
the ummah, the Messenger of Allah removes it.” [Sharh Zarqani ‘ala al-Mawahib]
• Qasida Burda (also known as Mawla
Ya Salli), or the Poem of the Scarf, was written by Imam Sharafuddin Busayri
whilst he was suffering from paralysis.
After the Imam had composed it, the
Beloved Messenger of Allah graced his dream and asked him to recite Qasida
Burdah to him. Then the Beloved Messenger placed his blessed scarf/cloak over
the Imam. When the Imam awoke, he found the blessed cloak on him and his
paralysis was cured.
179. The Messenger of Allah is the
Beloved (Habeeb) of Allah.
• The Messenger of Allah said,
“Listen! I am the Beloved (Habeeb) of Allah and I do not say this with pride”.
[Tirmidhi; Darimi; Mishkat]
180. The wishes of the Messenger of
Allah were often fulfilled very quickly.
• Sayyida A’isha said, “By Allah! I
see that Allah fulfils the wishes of the Messenger of Allah quickly.” [Muslim]
181. The Messenger of Allah will
intercede for the believers.
• The Messenger of Allah said:
“Then I will perform intercession and Allah will allocate a limit for me. I will
then take them out from the fire and enter them into Jannah.” [Muslim]
182. No one will be granted access
to Jannah before the Messenger of Allah.
• The Messenger of Allah said,
"I will come to the gates of Paradise and ask for it to be opened. The gatekeeper
will ask, "Who are you?" I will say, "Muhammad." The
gatekeeper will say, "I was ordered not to open the gate for anyone else
before you." [Bukhari, Muslim; al-Nasa'i]
183. Due to the Messenger of Allah,
Abu Talib suffers only a mild punishment in his grave.
• Sayyidina Abbas bin ‘Abdul
Muttalib said, “O Allah’s Messenger! Did you benefit Abu Talib with anything as
he used to protect and take care of you, and used to become angry for you?” The
Messenger of Allah said, “Yes, he is in a shallow place of Fire. But for me he
would have been in the lowest part of the Fire.” [Bukhari]
184. The Messenger of Allah
voluntarily chose a life of humility above the life of a king.
• Sayyida A’isha, quotes that the
Messenger of Allah said to her: “A’isha! Had I wished I would have been given
mountains of gold. Once came to me an angel whose waist line is as big as the
Ka’bah and said: ‘Your Lord sends you His greetings, and says that you can
choose either to be a Prophet and a servant of God, or a Prophet and a king.’ I
looked at Jibra’il, who was also present, and he indicated to me that I better
maintain my humility. I said: ‘I choose to be a Prophet and a servant of God.’”
Ever since that moment, the Messenger of Allah never ate his food in a
reclining position. He used to say: ‘I eat like a servant and sit like a
servant.’” [ibn Hibban, al-Baghawi, ibn Saa’d; Imam al-Haythami]
185. His mercy was so immense that
he prayed for the enemy even when they injured him at Uhud.
• When the Messenger of Allah was
severely wounded at Uhud, some Companions asked him to invoke Allah's curse on
the enemy. Instead, he prayed for them, saying: "O Allah, forgive my
people, for they do not know." He made this supplication while his face
was bleeding profusely. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Bukhari; Muslim]
186. One of the Jewish scholars of
Madinah believed in him at first sight, from the pure radiance of his blessed
• Sayyidina Abd Allah ibn Salam,
formerly a renowned Jewish scholar of Madinah, believed in him at first sight,
saying: "There can be no lie in this face. One with such a face can only
be a Messenger of Allah." [Sirat ibn Hisham]
187. Just the sight of him would
have convinced any sincere heart of his Prophethood.
• Sayyidina Abd Allah ibn Rawaha
al-Ansari said of the Prophet:
“Law lam takun fihi ayatun mubina,
lakana manzaruhu yunabbi'uka bi al-khabari.
Even if there were not, concerning
him, clear and evident signs, yet the sight of him would have told you the
news.” [Imam ibn Hajar’s al-Isaba]
188. When the Messenger of Allah
smiled, his face would beam “as if it were a piece of the moon.”
• Sayyidina Kaab ibn Malik said:
"I greeted the Messenger of Allah and there was lightning in his face.
Whenever the Prophet was happy, his face would be illuminated as if it were a
piece of the moon." [Bukhari; Muslim]
189. On the night of the birth of
the Messenger of Allah, his mother saw a light which showed her the castles of
• The Messenger of Allah said:
"I am the supplication of my father Ibrahim, and the good tidings of my
brother ‘Isa. The night I was delivered my mother saw a light that lit the
castles of Damascus so that she could see them." [Imam al-Hakim’s
Mustadrak, Imam Ahmad’s Musnad, Imam Bayhaqi in Dala'il al-Nubuwwa]
190. Even the enemy was fearful and
in awe of his word: “They weren't poetry, nor did they resemble those of a
• Abu Jahl feared that Utba might
have accepted Islam, having waited for him for a long time. Abu Jahl knocked at
his door. When opened, he said to Utba: "I heard Muhammad treated you very
generously and fed you, and in return you believed in him. This is what the
people are saying." Angrily, Utba replied: "You know I don't need his
feeding. I am richer than all of you. But his words shook me. They weren't poetry,
nor did they resemble those of a soothsayer. I don't know how I should respond.
He's a truthful person. While I was listening to his recitation, I feared that
what happened to 'Ad and Thamud might happen to us." [Hafiz ibn Kathir;
Sirat ibn Hisham]
191. The Messenger of Allah is
titled by Allah as “a Lamp spreading Light.” [Qur’an 33:46]
• Mulla Ali al-Qari comments upon
the Prophet's title "as a Lamp spreading Light" [33:46], saying:
“Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is a
tremendous light and the source of all lights, he is also a book that gathers
up and makes clear all the secrets... Sirajan munira means a
luminous sun, because of Allah’s saying: "He has placed therein a great
lamp and a moon giving light" [25:61]. There is in this verse an
indication that the sun is the highest of the material lights and that other
lights are outpourings from it: similarly, the Prophet is the highest of the
spiritual lights and other lights are derived from him by virtue of his
mediating connection and pivotal rank in the overall sphere of creation. This
is also inferred from the tradition: "The first thing Allah created is my
192. The Messenger of Allah heard,
and responded to, the call of a Companion who was struggling against the enemy.
• Sayyidina Maymuna, one of the
Mothers of the believers, said: "The Messenger of Allah, upon him be
blessings and peace, was sleeping with me one night, and he got up to
make ablution and pray. I heard him say during his ablution in the dead of
"Labbayka, labbayka,
labbayka!" three times, and then: "Nusirta,
nusirta, nusirta!" three times. When he came out, I asked him,
"Messenger of Allah, I heard you say, during your ablution, 'In your
service!' three times, and 'To your defense!' three times, as if you were
addressing someone. Was there someone with you?"
He replied: "This was the
poetry champion (rajiz) of the Banu Kaa’b (one of the
sub-tribes of the Khuza’a) invoking my aid (yastas-rikhuni) and asserting that
the Quraysh had helped the Banu Bakr against them." [Imam Tabarani,
al-Mu'jam al-Kabir; Imam ibn Hajar, al-Isabah]
193. The Messenger of Allah
predicted the arrival of the tyrant Hajjaj b. Yusuf.
• The Messenger of Allah said:
"There will be one liar and one destroyer (kadhdhab wa mubir) from
Thaqif." [Muslim] It is thought that this refers to al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf
and al-Mukhtar ibn `Ubayd.
194. The blessed soul of the
Messenger of Allah is present in every believing household.
• Qadi Iyad cited reagrding the
explanation of the verse, “When you enter houses, salute one another” [Qur’an
24:61]: “If there is no one in the house then say: ‘assalamu ‘ala
al-Nabiyyi wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.’” [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
• On the above, Mulla al-Qari
said in his commentary on al-Shifa: “Meaning, because his soul, may
Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him, is present in the house of the
Muslims (ay li’anna ruhahu ‘alayhi al-salamu hadirun fi buyuti
195. The Messenger of Allah is the
mercy of Allah. [Qur’an 10:58]
• Regarding the verse, “Say: In the
bounty of Allah and in His Mercy: therein let them rejoice. It is better than
what they hoard.” [Qur’an 10:58], Sayyidina ibn Abbas said: "The bounty of
Allah is Knowledge (of tawhid), and His mercy is the Prophet, upon
him be Allah’s peace and blessings." [Imam al-Suyuti, al-Durr
al-Manthur; Imam al-Alusi, Ruh al-Ma’ani]
196. Prophet Adam sought the Mercy
of Allah through the name of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad.
• Prophet Adam, in his state of
repentance for having eaten the forbidden fruit, sought the Mercy of Allah
through the name of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad, may Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him.
Reported by Sayyidina Umar bin
al-Khattab, the Messenger of Allah said, "When Adam committed his mistake,
he said: ‘O my Lord, I am asking you to forgive me for the sake of Muhammad.’
Allah said: ‘O Adam, and how do you know about Muhammad, whom I have not yet
created?’ Adam replied, ‘ my Lord, after You created me with Your Hand and
breathed into me of Your Spirit, I raised my head and saw written on the
heights of the Throne, ‘La ilaha illallah Muhammadun RasulAllah’. I
understood that You would not place next to Your Name but the Most Beloved One
of Your creation.’ Allah said: ‘O Adam, I have forgiven you, and were it not for
Muhammad, I would not have created you.’" [Imam Baihaqi’s Dala'il
al-Nubuwwa, Imam Abu Nu’aym in Dala'il al-Nubuwwa, Imam al-Hakim’s al-Mustadrak
(2:615), Imam Tabarani in his al-Mu'jam al-Saghir (2:82, 207) and others]
• About this, Qadi Iyaad says:
"It is said that this Hadith explains the verse: ‘Then Adam received from
his Lord [some] words, and He accepted his repentance.’” [Qur’an 2:37]
197. The Messenger of Allah knew of
the piety of Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarni, though never having met him during his
• This is to the extent that the
Messenger of Allah asked the Companions to seek the prayers of Sayyidina Uwais
Sayyidina Umar b. al-Khattab
reported: I heard Allah's Messenger, may Allah’s eternal peace and
blessings be upon him, saying, “Worthy amongst the successors (tabi’een) would
be a person who would be called Uwais. He would have his mother (living with
him) and he would have (a small) sign of leprosy. Ask him to beg pardon for you
(from Allah).” [Muslim]
198. On the night of the migration,
the angel Jibra'il was sent to the Messenger of Allah to murder to warn him
that the unbelievers were plotting to murder him in his bed that very night.
• Jibra'il was sent to the Prophet,
"Do not sleep tonight in your usual bed." When it became dark, the
enemy gathered at his door in vigil, waiting for the moment on which he would
go to sleep so that they might fall upon him. [Sirat ibn Hisham]
199. The Messenger of Allah
instructed Sayyidina Ali, as the enemies surrounded their dwelling, and
guaranteed his safety.
• When the Messenger of Allah
observed what was happening, he said to Sayyidina Ali: "Sleep in my bed,
and cover yourself with my green Hadrami mantle. Use it when sleeping and they
will not be able to do anything dislikable to you." [Sirat ibn Hisham]
200. He created a brotherhood
between the Muhajirun and the Ansar which was so deep that it broke all worldly
or egotistical barriers.
• This brotherhood was so deep,
sincere, and strong that the Ansar (known as the Helpers, they were the
original residents of Madinah) shared everything with the Muhajirun (known as
the Emigrants, those who had migrated to Madinah for the sake of Islam). This
lasted for some time. However, when the Muhajirun had become accustomed to
their new environment, one day they asked the Messenger of Allah: "O
Messenger of Allah, we emigrated here purely for the sake of Allah. But our
Muhajirun brothers are so good to us that we fear we will consume in this world
the reward of our good deeds, which we expect to get in the Hereafter. Also, we
feel extremely indebted to them. Please ask them to allow us to earn our own
The Messenger of Allah sent for the
Ansar of Madinah, and told them of the situation. The Ansar unanimously
objected, finding it unbearable to be separated from their brothers. In the
end, to spare the Muhajirun’s feeling of indebtedness, the Ansar agreed that
the Muhajirun would work in their fields and gardens in return for wages until
they could build their own houses. [Bukhari; Muslim]
201. The entire community of the
city of Madinah would obtain the blessings of his noble hand.
• Sayyidina Anas ibn Malik related:
"The whole community of the people of Madinah used to take the hand of the
Prophet and rush to obtain their need with it." [Musnad Imam Ahmad]
202. The Messenger of Allah was the
seal of all Messengers before Prophet Adam was fully created.
• Narrated from Sayyidina al-Irbad
ibn Sariya that the Prophet said: "I am Allah's Servant (as written) in
the Mother of the Book, and verily the seal of Prophets when Adam was still
kneaded in his clay…” [Sahih ibn Hibban; Imam Hakim’s al-Mustadrak; Imam
al-Haythami, Majma al-Zawa'id]
203. The Messenger of Allah, as well
as all Prophets, is alive and worshipping Allah in his blessed grave.
• Sayyidina Anas ibn Malik related
that the Messenger of Allah said, “The Prophets are alive in their graves,
praying to their Lord.” [Imam Bayhaqi’s Hayat al-Anbiya]
204. Sayyida Asma would use the
blessed garment of the Messenger of Allah to heal the sick.
• Sayyida Asma had a gown of the
Messenger of Allah. The sick would go to her, and she would dip the gown in the
water. She would then take the gown out, and give that water for the sick to
drink for tabarruk/blessing." [Muslim]
205. The Messenger of Allah was
gifted with exclusive privileges including his Ummah being the best Ummah.
• Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib
relates: The Messenger of Allah said, “I was given what no other Prophet before
me was given.” We said, “O Messenger of Allah! What is it?” He said, “I
was given victory by fear, I was given the keys of the earth, I was called
Ahmad, the earth was made a clean place for me (to pray and perform tayammum with),
and my Ummah was made the best Ummah.'' [Imam Ahmad]
206. If the final Messenger of Allah
was sent during their lifetime, all the Prophets would believe and support him.
• Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib and
his cousin Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Abbas said, "Allah never sent a Prophet
but after taking his pledge that if Muhammad, peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him, were sent in his lifetime, he would believe in and
support him.'' [Tafsir ibn Kathir]
207. The touch and prayer of the
Messenger of Allah strengthened Sayyidina Ali’s judgements.
• Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib said,
“The Messenger of Allah sent me to Yemen. I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, you
send me, while I am still young, to judge amongst them, and I know not how to
judge!’ He struck my chest with his hand saying, ‘O Allah! Guide his heart and
strengthen his tongue!’ By He Who split the grain! Thereafter I never doubted
how to judge between two people!” [ibn Majah]
208. The Messenger of Allah will be
the first one to rise up on the Last Day, and the first to intercede.
• Sayyidina Qatadah said, "He
is the first one for whom the earth will be opened on the Day of Resurrection,
and he will be the first one to intercede.'' [Tafsir ibn Kathir]
209. The touch of the Messenger of
Allah healed broken bones instantly.
• Sayyidina Abdallah ibn Atik went
to Khaybar to kill the infamous Jew, Abu Rafi, in the latter’s house. As he was
leaving the house, he fell and broke his ankle. He bandaged it and went to his
companions, then they rode back together to Madinah. The Messenger of Allah
said, “Stretch your leg!” He passed his hand over the broken bones and they
mended there and then. [Bukhari]
210. The Messenger of Allah’s status
is unparalleled and will remain so until the Last Day.
• Hafiz ibn Kathir says, “He is the
greatest Imam, who if he existed in any time period, deserves to be obeyed,
rather than all other Prophets. This is why Muhammad,peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him, led the Prophets in prayer during the night
of Isra' when they gathered in Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem). He is the
intercessor on the Day of Gathering, when the Lord comes to judge between His
servants.” [Tafsir ibn Kathir – Qur’an 8:31]
211. “The Messenger of Allah will
have honours in the Day of Resurrection in which no one else will have a
• Extracted from Tafsir ibn Kathir:
“I, Ibn Kathir, say: the Messenger of Allah will have honours in the Day of
Resurrection in which no one else will have a share, honours which will not be
matched by anyone else. [Tafsir ibn Kathir – Qur’an 17:79]
212. The blessed hair strands of the
Messenger of Allah grows over time, and is reported to also split into
• [Narrated by Imam Yusuf al-Nabhani
in Jawahir al Bihar, from Imam Abd al-Ghani al-Nablusi]
213. He placed a bright light with
one of his Companions, whose tribe embraced Islam as a result.
• Sayyidina Tufayl ibn ‘Amr al-Dawsi
related how, after his first visit to the Prophet, he accepted Islam and was
about to return to his tribe. H asked the Prophet for a sign to show to his
tribesmen, at which a light shone forth from his forehead. He exclaimed,
"Not here, O Messenger of Allah, they will think it a curse!" So the
Messenger of Allah moved the light to the tip of al- Sayyidina Tufayl’s whip.
He returned to his tribe with this sign and most of them accepted Islam. [Sirat
ibn Hisham]
214. There will never be one like
the Messenger of Allah, neither before him nor after him.
• Sayyidina Ali b. Abu Talib,
describing the Messenger of Allah, said, “The Messenger of Allah was neither
tall nor short, endowed with sturdy hands and feet, stout head and limbs, and
lengthy hair on the chest. When he walked, he inclined forward, as if he were
descending a downward
slope. I have never seen the like of
him, neither before him nor after him.” [Tirmidhi; ibn Hibban; Imam al-Hakim]
215. The Messenger of Allah
predicted th martyrdom of his beloved grandson, Sayyidina Husayn.
• He said to Sayyida Umm Salama,
“Husayn will be killed in Taff, which is in Karbala.” Fifty years later, what
the Messenger of Allah had predicted came true exactly; Sayyidina Husayn was
martyred in Karbala. [Imam al-Haythami, Majma al-Zawaid; Musnad Imam Ahmad]
216. The Messenger of Allah
predicted the significance and conquests of Sayyidina Saa’d ibn Abi Waqqas.
• When Sayyidina Saa’d ibn Abi
Waqqas was extremely ill, the Messenger of Allah said to him, “You will live a
long time and lead the army. In the end, you will be beneficial for some nation
and you will harm some nations.” Indeed, he led the Islamic army and gained
many victories such as the conquest of Persia. He caused many nations to
embrace Islam. [Bukhari; Sharh al-Shifa, Mulla Ali al-Qari; Imam Abu Nu’aym,
Hilyat al-Awliya]
217. The Hawdh al Kawthar (or
Pool) of the Messenger of Allah is more delightful than honey and whiter than
• The Messenger of Allah said, “It (Hawdh
al-Kawthar) is a river in Paradise which my Lord has given me. It is
whiter than milk and sweeter than honey.” [Musnad Imam Ahmad]
218. The Messenger of Allah knew
instantly of the death of Negus in Ethiopia.
• Negus, the ruler of Ethiopia who had
earlier accepted Islam, died in the seventh year of Hijra. Allah's Messenger
informed his companions about it, and even performed funeral prayer for him.
One week later came the news confirming the death of the Negus at the very same
moment as the Messenger of Allah had said. [Bukhari; Muslim; Sunan Abu Dawud]
219. The Messenger of Allah proved
his Mi’raj to the Quraysh, informing them of the caravans which had passed by.
• In the morning, the Messenger of
Allah told the people of Makkah about al-Mi’raj. They asked for evidence. He
told them about the caravans he had seen on the way. The Quraysh went out of
Makkah to meet the caravans. They saw the caravans in the same state as the
Prophet had informed them but they did not embrace Islam. [Sirat ibn Hisham]
220. When one of the Companions
encountered a lion in the wilderness, he proclaimed his allegiance to the
Messenger of Allah and it caused him no harm.
• Sayyidina Safina, a servant of the
Messenger of Allah, was on his way to complete a task set by the beloved
Messenger of Allah. He set off and on the way encountered a lion in the
wilderness. Sayyidina Safina said to the lion, “I am the servant of Allah’s
Messenger!” The lion left without doing anything or harming him. According to
another narration, Sayyidina Safina lost his way when returning from a task,
then enoucntered the lion which actually also showed him the way. [Imam
al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak; Imam al-Asqalani, al-Matalib al-‘Aliya; Imam
al-Haythami, Majma al-Zawa’id; Imam Abu Nu’aym, Hilyat al-Awliya; Hafiz ibn
Kathir, al-Bidaya wal-Nihaya]
221. Masjid al-Aqsa was shown to him
in a vision as the Quraysh questioned him heavily about its details.
• When the Quraysh heard about the
night of al-Mi’raj, those who had seen Masjid al-Aqsa before asked the
Messenger of Allah, “Can you describe Masjid al-Aqsa to us?” The Messenger of
Allah, at this point, had become tired of their doubts and questioning. Just
then, Allah showed him a vision of Bayt al Muqaddis. The Messenger of Allah
said: “While looking at it, I described every detail one by one. They even
asked me, “How many doors does Bayt al Muqaddis have?” I had not counted its
number of doors. When I saw Bayt al Muqaddis across from me, I began to look at
it, count each of its doors and told them the number.” Thereupon, the
polytheists said, “By Allah, you described it accurately, and perfectly.”
Nevertheless, they still did not become Muslims. [Musnad Imam Ahmad; Imam ibn
Jawzi, al-Wafa; Imam Dhahabi, Tarikhu'l-Islam]
222. The fire which Zoroastrians
kept ablaze for a thousand years went out on the night of the Prophet’s birth.
• The fire that had been kept ablaze
for a thousand years in Istahrabad and that was worshipped by Zoroastrians went
out at the night of the Prophet’s birth. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Mulla Ali
al-Qari, Sharh al-Shifa]
223. A small bird in the Messenger
of Allah’s house would never move in his presence, out of respect.
• Sayyida A’isha narrates: “There
was a domestic animal in our house like a pigeon. When the Messenger of Allah
was at home, it stood without moving. And when the Messenger of Allah left
home, the bird would began to move around constantly.” It shows, the bird was
listening to the Messenger of Allah, and waiting in silence in his presence in
complete earnestness. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Mulla Ali al-Qari, Sharh
al-Shifa; Imam al-Haythami, Majma al-Zawa’id]
224. A lizard in the hands of a
Bedouin testified to the truth of the Messenger of Allah.
• Sayyidina Umar narrates, “A
Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allah. He was holding a lizard. He said: ‘If
this reptile testifies to you, I shall believe in you; otherwise I will not.’
The Messenger of Allah asked the lizard, and it testified to his pProphethood
clearly.” [Mulla Ali al-Qari, Sharh al-Shifa; Imam al-Haythami, Majma
al-Zawa’id; Hafiz ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya wal-Nihaya]
225. The Lake of Sawa, which was
deemed holy by Zoroastrians, sank into ground on the night the Prophet was
• [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Mulla Ali
al-Qari, Sharh al-Shifa; Imam Bayhaqi, Dala'il al-Nubuwwa; Imam Suyuti,
Khasa’is al-Kubra]
226. The blessed saliva of the
Messenger of Allah healed the severe burns of a small child.
• A child called Muhammad b.
al-Hatib had been scalded by a pan of boiling water and his whole arm was burnt.
The Messenger of Allah touched the arm, spreading his blessed saliva over it;
it was immediately healed. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Mulla Ali al-Qari, Sharh
al-Shifa; Imam al-Haythami, Majma al-Zawa’id; Hafiz ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya
wal-Nihaya; Imam al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak]
227. A newborn baby, later known as
Mubarak al-Yamama, spoke and testified to the Messenger of Allah.
• Soon after being born, a famous
person called Mubarak al-Yamama was taken to the Messenger of Allah. On his
turning to the baby, it started to speak, saying, “I testify that you are the
Messenger of Allah.” The Prophet exclaimed, “May Allah bless you!” The child
never spoke again in his infancy, and later became famously known as “Mubarak
al-Yamama” (the blessed one, Yamama) since he had been the object of this
miracle of the Messenger of Allah, and of his prayer. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa;
Hafiz ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya wal-Nihaya; Imam Suyuti, Kanzu’l-Ummal]
228. Due to the Messenger of Allah’s
prayer, Sayyidina Urwa b. Abi al-Ja’da’s trade reached a miraculous level of
profit and success.
• It is related that the Messenger
of Allah prayed that Sayyidina Urwa b. Abi al-Ja’da might thrive profitably at
trade. Sayyidina Urwa said: “Sometimes I would go to the marketplace in Kufa
and come home in the evening having made a forty-thousand fold profit.” Imam
Bukhari says: “If he took earth in his hand, he still would make a profit from
it!” [Bukhari; ibn Majah; Musnad Imam Ahmad; Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
229. Sayyidina Umar ibn al-Khattab
said: “He sent you as the last Prophet but He described you before all…”
• Sayyidina Umar ibn al-Khattab
said, after the Messenger of Allah passed away: “He sent you as the last
Prophet but He described you before all. For that, He says: ‘When We took from
the Prophets their covenant and from you and from Noah and Abraham and Moses…’
[Qur’an 33:7] [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Imam Ghazali’s Ihya ‘Ulum al-Deen]
230. Sheep would bow to the
Messenger of Allah.
• Sayyidina Anas b. Malik tells of
the occasion when the Messenger of Allah, accompanied by Sayyidina Abu Bakr,
Sayyidina Umar and an Ansari, went into a garden belonging to another Ansari.
There were some sheep in the garden. When they saw the Messenger of Allah, the
sheep bowed to him.
231. The Messenger of Allah planted
trees of extreme blessing which paid for the freedom of Sayyidina Salman
• Sayyidina Salman al Farsi had
converted to Islam but had been sold to Jews in Madinah. He wanted to buy
himself out of his bondage but they placed a high price upon him. The Jews told
him that he would be set free upon the payment of three hundred planted sapling
palm-trees that were tied and bore fruit. In addition, they demanded that he
pay forty pieces of gold. One day, he was blessed to meet the Messenger of Allah.
He told him of his circumstances whereupon the Messenger of Allah planted the
trees for him with his own blessed hands - all except for one which someone
else planted, and all flourished except that one tree. Each of the trees except
that one bore fruit that same year. When the Messenger of Allah, praise
and peace be upon him,learned of the tree, he uprooted the sapling, replanted it
and it took root and bore fruit.
As for the gold, the Messenger of
Allah gave Sayyidina Salman the amount of gold equal to the size of a chicken's
egg, but first he put it in his blessed mouth. Forty pieces of gold were
weighed from it for the Jewish masters, and still the gold did not reduce in
amount. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
232. Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar
once cured numbness in his leg by calling out to the Messenger of Allah.
• Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar once
felt numbness in his leg, whereupon a man said to him: “Remember the most
beloved of people to you”, so he said, “O Muhammad! (Peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him.)” and the numbness left. [Qadi Iyaad’s
al-Shifa; Imam Bukhari’s Adab al-Mufrad]
233. The inmates of the Fire of Hell
will regret opposing the Messenger of Allah.
• Sayyidina Umar ibn al-Khattab
said, “May my father and mother be your ransom! O Messenger of Allah, it has
been revealed that a fraction of your excellence with Allah is that thepeople
of the Fire will wish they had obeyed you, even when they are being severely
punished, and will say, “Would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger!”
[Qur’an 33:66] [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
234. At the conquest of Makkah, the
pigeons of Makkah shaded Messenger of Allah, and he supplicated to Allah to
bless them.
• [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
235. There are many reports of sheep
and goats which yielded no milk, but gave abundance of milk through the
blessing of his touch.
• For example, the sheep of Sayyida
Umm Mabad, the one that belonged to Sayyidina Anas b. Malik, that belonging to
Sayyida Haleema and many more. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
236. The Messenger of Allah was able
to see the earth and its eastern and western extremities.
• The earth was rolled up for the
Messenger of Allah, so that he was able to see its eastern and western
extremities, and he said that the extent of his nation would reach that which
was rolled up for him. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
237. The mercy of the Messenger of
Allah saved the people from great destruction and Allah’s Wrath.
• Sayyidina Umar ibn al-Khattab
said, “O Messenger of Allah, may my parents be sacrificed to you! Noah prayed
to Allah about his people: ‘O my Lord, don't leave a single house of the
unbelievers in the world.’ If you had prayed against us in a similar manner, we
would have been destroyed. Your back was burdened, your front teeth were
martyred, yet you did not invoke against them but for good, and said: ‘O Allah,
forgive my people, as they know not what they do.’ [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Imam
Ghazali’s Ihya ‘Ulum al-Deen]
238. During an expedition, the
Messenger of Allah knew when a hypocrite had died in Madinah.
• When they were on an expedition, a
wind storm blew up and the Messenger of Allah told his Companions, "It
blows for the death of a hypocrite." Upon their return to Madinah, they
found his prophecy had been realized. [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
239. The Messenger of Allah brought
more people to Islam than Prophet Noah did during his long life on Earth.
• Sayyidina Umar ibn al-Khattab
said, “O Messenger of Allah, may my parents be sacrificed to you! Noah was not
followed by so many people during his long stray as you have been followed in a
short time.” [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa; Imam Ghazali’s Ihya ‘Ulum al-Deen] Some
reports say that Prophet Noah (or Nuh) lived for approximately 900 years.
240. No favour is more universally
beneficial and of greater advantage than the Messenger of Allah because he is
our path to guidance.
• Qadi Iyaadh says, “There is no
other favor that could be more universally beneficial and of greater advantage
than his blessing to all Muslims because he is our path to guidance. He is the
one who rescues us from the error of our blindness. He is the one who calls us
to success and honor! He is our path to our Lord and our intercessor. He is the
one who will speak on our behalf
and bear witness for us and bring
us, inshaAllah, to the Everlasting Life with its happiness!” [Qadi
Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
241. The Messenger of Allah prayed
for Sayyidina Abdullah b. Jafar so that he became famously wealthy.
• The Messenger of Allah prayed that
Sayyidina Abdullah b. Jafar would acquire an abundance of wealth, and he became
so rich he was famous for it. He also became as famous for his generosity, as
he was for the wealth he obtained through the Messenger of Allah’s prayer.
[Imam al-Haythami, Majma al-Zawaid; Imam ibn Hajar, Matalibu’l-Aliya; Imam
Bayhaqi, Dalail al-Nubuwwa; Qadi Iyaadh, al-Shifa]
242. The Messenger of Allah prayed
so that every prayer of Sayyidina Saa’d b. Abi Waqqas would be answered.
• The Messenger of Allah prayed for
Sayyidina Saa’d b. Abi Waqqas: ‘O Allah, answer his prayer!’ After that, the
answering of his prayers became famous and everyone feared his malediction.
[Tirmidhi; Imam ibn Hajar, al-Isaba]
243. The Messenger of Allah knew of
hidden wealth of his uncle Sayyidina Abbas.
• When Sayyidina Abbas was taken captive,
his goods were confiscated. He told the Messenger of Allah that he had no
money. The Messenger of Allah reminded him about the money he had left
concealed with Umm al Fadl, whereupon Sayyidina Abbas exclaimed, “None except
Umm al Fadl and I knew where it was.” Then Sayyidina Abbas became a Muslim.
[Qadi Iyaadh, al-Shifa]
244. The Messenger of Allah knew
about Chosroes’ death before the news had even arrived.
• Before the news had arrived via
messenger, the Messenger of Allah told a Persian envoy named Fayruz that
Chosroes had passed away. When the messenger arrived with the news, Fayruz read
the letter and embraced Islam. [Qadi Iyaad, al-Shifa]
245. Sayyidina Anas b. Malik had
children and grand-children numbering over a hundred, due to the prayer of the
Messenger of Allah.
• Sayyidina Anas reported: “My
mother Umm Anas (also called Umm Sulaym) came to the Messenger of Allah. She
prepared my lower garment out of the half of her headdress and (with the other
half) she covered my upper body, and said: ‘Messenger of Allah, here is my son
Unais; I have brought him to you for serving you. Invoke blessings of Allah
upon him.’ Thereupon the Messenger of Allah said: ‘O Allah, make an increase in
his wealth and progeny.’” Sayyidina Anas said: “By Allah, my fortune is huge,
and my children and grand-children are now more than one hundred.” [Sahih
• Hafiz ibn Kathir also relates that
Sayyidina Anas b. Malik had a garden which would produce fruit twice every
246. The beauty of the Qur’an which Allah
sent down to him deeply affects pure hearts.
• Qadi Iyaadh says: “As for those
who believe, they experience fear and are in rapture of its awe. It is like a
magnet, attracting the listener and its reciter. It is a source of joy that
causes the heart to incline to it and also a confirmation. Allah says,
"The skins of those who fear their Lord tremble; and thereafter their
skins and hearts soften to the Remembrance of Allah." [Qur’an 39:23] [Qadi
Iyaad, al-Shifa]
247. Utba b. Rabi’ah’s unbelieving
heart trembled upon hearing the Messenger of Allah recite Qur’an.
• On one occasion, Utba b. Rabi’ah
went to the Messenger of Allah to speak to him about a recent revelation that
that spoke against the pagan belief of his tribe. So, the Messenger of Allah
began to recite the chapter that begins "Ha Meem" [Qur’an; Surah 41].
Utba could not bear to hear it and put his hand over the Messenger of Allah 's
mouth, and begged him to stop. It is also reported that he listened, and in so
doing he put his hands behind his back and leant on them until the Messenger of
Allah reached the verse of prostration, whereupon the Messenger of Allah
prostrated. Utba did not know how to deal with the situation and immediately
got up, returned to his family and declined to go out to his tribesmen. His
fellow tribesmen came to him and he apologized telling them, "By Allah, he
recited some words to me, and by Allah, I have never heard anything like them;
I just did not know what to say." [Qadi Iyaad, al-Shifa]
248. The Qur’an confirms the truth
of the Messenger of Allah; none of the unbelievers were able to disprove it.
• Allah says in the Qur’an: ”Say:
'If the abode of the Hereafter is with Allah for you especially, to the
exclusion of all other people, then long for death if you are truthful.” But
they will never long for it.” [Qur’an 2:94-95]
Shaykh Abu Isaac az-Zajjaj commented
on this verse saying, "This verse contains the greatest proof and also the
clearest indication of the soundness of the Message of Allah. This is because
Allah told the Jews to "long for death" and then informs them
"but they will never long for it", so none of them sincerely longed
for death. The Messenger of Allah spoke of this by saying, "By the One in
whose hand is my soul, not a single man from amongst them could say it without
choking on his saliva.” Allah turned the hearts of the Jews against longing for
death. He cast tremendous fear into them thereby signifying that His
Messenger, praise and peace be upon him, was indeed truthful,
and that which He had sent down to him was without doubt authentic. [Qadi
Iyaad, al-Shifa]
249. After the prayer of the
Messenger of Allah, Sayyida Umm Sulaym had nine sons who all grew up as huffaadh (memorisers)
of the Qur’an.
• [Sahih Muslim]
250. The name ‘Muhammad’ was
completely unknown until shortly before the Messenger of Allah’s birth.
• Qadi Iyaadh writes, “Neither Arabs
nor non-Arabs knew of the name ‘Muhammad’ until shortly before the Messenger of
Allah’s birth, when they heard the news that a person bearing this name had
been selected to be a Prophet. When the news of his name became known, six
Arabs named their son ‘Muhammad’ in the hope that it would be their son who
would be the chosen one, but Allah had selected His Message to be placed with
Muhammad ibn Abdullah.” Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam! [Qadi Iyaad, al-Shifa]
251. Allah has placed His own
attributes within the Messenger of Allah, and made him a “truthful ambassador
for creation.”
• Referring to the verse
"Whosoever obeys the Messenger, indeed he has obeyed Allah." [Qur’an
4:80], Imam Jafar b. Muhammad as-Sadiq said, "Allah was aware that His
creation would be incapable of pure obedience to Him so He informed us in this
order: the Messenger, then Allah – so it would be realized one would never be
able to aspire to the achievement of pure obedience to Him. Therefore between
Himself He placed a human, adorning him with His own attributes of the Kind and
Merciful. He made him a truthful ambassador for creation and decreed that when
a person obeys him, they are in fact obeying Allah, and when someone complies
with him, they are also complying with Allah. [Qadi Iyaad, al-Shifa]
252. The honour of the righteous is
due to the honour bestowed upon the Messenger of Allah.
• Imam Jafar as-Sadiq said regarding
the meaning of the verse "Peace be upon you, Companions of the
Right!" [Qur’an 56:91] is because of Prophet Muhammad, and the cause of
their peace is the great honor bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad, may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. [Qadi Iyaad, al-Shifa]
253. Allah raised the status of his
beloved Messenger by placing his name in the company of His Own Name.
• Allah accentuated the Prophet's
exceptional position, his tremendous rank, and great prominence by raising his
name in the company of His Own Name. Of this, Sayyidina Qatada said,
"Allah exalted his fame in the world and in the Hereafter. There is no one
who offers the prayers who does not say, 'There is no God except Allah,
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.'"
Sayyidina Abu Sa’eed al Khudri
narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, "Jibra’il came to me and said,
'My Lord and your Lord says: Do you know how I have exalted Muhammad's fame?
When My Name is mentioned, he is mentioned."
In a Hadith Qudsi, Allah says to His
beloved Messenger, "I completed belief with your being mentioned with
Me." And, "I have made your mention next to My mention and whosoever
mentions Me, mentions you thereafter." [Qadi Iyaad, al-Shifa]
254. The perfection of the Beloved
Messenger of Allah is even proven in the purity of his lineage.
The perfection of status granted to
the Beloved Messenger of Allah, upon him be utmost blessings and peace, extends
to the fact that even his lineage is pure and sacred. Referring to the blessing
of his nobility, the Messenger of Allah told Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah, "I
was sent from the best of each consecutive generation of the children of Adam
until I appeared in the generation in which I am from." [Qadi Iyaad,
255. The Messenger of Allah’s
habits, such as the manner in which he slept, have scientifically proven
• Qadi Iyaadh relates, “When he
slept, he slept on his right side so that his sleep would be shallow. Sleeping
on the left side is easier on the heart and one's organs as they incline to the
left side. When one sleeps on the right side, there is a tendency to wake up
quickly and one is not overcome by deep slumber.” [Qadi Iyaad, al-Shifa]
256. The Messenger of Allah’s
character was that of the noble Qur’an.
• Sayyida A’isha, wife of the
Prophet, beloved Mother of Believers described him saying, "His character
was that of the Qur’an. He was pleased by that which it finds pleasing, and
angered by that which it finds hateful.” [Qadi Iyaad, al-Shifa]
257. Every miracle of the previous
Messengers is due to the light of the final Messenger of Allah.
• Imam al-Qastalani quotes Ibn
Marzuq regarding Imam Busayri’s Qasida Burda: “…Every miracle that every
Messenger has brought, surely was only because it was an extension to each one
of them of the light of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and give him
peace. How beautiful is his saying "surely was theirs only in
connection to his light" for it suggests that his light, may Allah
bless him and give him peace, always remained unchanged in him, and
nothing of it was decreased. Had he said, "Surely it was part of his
light", then it could have been imagined that he distributed it to them,
and that perhaps nothing of it remained for him. All the signs given to each
one of them was only theirs through his light, may Allah bless him and
give him peace, because he is a sun of excellence, and they are the
planets of that sun which convey its lights to humankind in the darkness. The
planets are not shining by themselves, but they receive light from the sun, so
that when the sun is absent they show the light of the sun. Similarly, the
Prophets before his existence used to show his excellence, so that whatever
lights appeared at the hands of the Messengers other than him, it was only from
his outpouring light and vast extension (madad), without
decreasing anything of it.” [al-Mawahib al-Laduniyya]
258. From the prayer of the
Messenger of Allah, Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Rawaha attained the honour of
• Hisham ibn Urwa relates that after
Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Rawaha recited poetry in honour of the Messenger of
Allah, the Messenger of Allah said: "And you also, may Allah make you
firm, O ibn Rawaha." Hisham ibn Urwa continues, “Allah indeed made him
firm with the staunchest firmness. He died as a martyr, and Paradise was opened
for him and he entered it.” [Qadi Iyaad, al-Shifa]
259. The Messenger of Allah knows
the reality of Allah more than every other being in creation.
• The Messenger of Allah said,
"I am the most God-fearing, and know Allah better than all of you
do." [Bukhari]
260. When Chosroes tore up a letter
sent from the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s Wrath seized him.
• Chosroes, ruler of Persia, tore up
the letter sent to him by the Messenger of Allah. When the Messenger of Allah
received news of this, he prayed: “O Allah, slit him as he slit my letter!” It
was as a result of this malediction that Chosroes’ son cut him to pieces with a
dagger. [Bukhari; Qadi Iyaad, al-Shifa]
261. When the Messenger of Allah was
born, meteorites fell from the sky indicating that the heavens were now secured
from devils.
• On the night of the blessed birth,
stars fell down from the sky in the form of meteorites, like the leaves in
autumn, indicating that the devil and the jinns would no
longer be able to steal information from the Heavens. [Tabari; Qadi Iyaad’s
262. Jews of Madinah recognized the
Messenger of Allah’s arrival on the night of his birth.
• Sayyidina Hassan bin Thabit
reports, “I was about eight years old. One morning a Jewish man was running,
crying out, ‘O Jews!’ Jews gathered around the man saying ‘What is it? Why are
you shouting?’ The man was crying out, ‘Let me give you this news; Ahmad’s star
was born tonight. Ahmad was born tonight.” [Imam al-Qastalani,
263. The Messenger of Allah restored
the sight of a blind man through his own intercession.
• The Messenger of Allah restored
the sight of a blind man by prescribing a prayer which invoked Allah through
his intercession.
Sayyidina Usman bin Hanif says that
a blind man once went to the place of the Messenger of Allah and said, "O
Messenger of Allah! Pray for me that I may regain my sight." The Messenger
of Allah replied, "Go and perform ablution, and read two Rakaats of Nafl
prayer and read this supplication: ‘O Allah! Verily I ask of you and towards
You, I use the mediation of Muhammad Mustafa. O Muhammad, verily I turn through
your Waseela (medium) to your Creator for my needs, so that my needs may be
fulfilled. O Allah, accept the intercession of Muhammad, may peace and
blessings be upon him, for me." [ibn Majah; Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
264. The Messenger of Allah declared
it a form of charity and a sunnah to smile!
• Sayyidina Abu Dhar reported that
the Messenger of Allah said: “Your smile to your brother is a sadaqa (charitable
act) for you. Your commanding the right and forbidding the wrong is a sadaqa.
Your guiding a man in the land of misguidance is a sadaqa for
you. Your seeing (showing the way) for a man with bad eyesight is a sadaqa for
you. Your removing a stone or thorn or bone from the road is a sadaqa for
you. Your emptying your bucket of water into your brother’s (empty) bucket is
a sadaqa for you.” [Tirmidhi]
265. Prophet Musa caused water to
stream from a rock, the Messenger of Allah caused water to flow from his sacred
• Sayyidina Umar b. al-Khattab said,
in a tribute, “O Messenger of God, may my parents be sacrificed to you. Moses,
son of Imran, made to flow a stream of water from a stone. Is it not more
wonderful that water flowed down from your fingers?” [Ihya ‘Ulum al-Deen of
Imam al-Ghazali, Vol. 1]
266. The Messenger of Allah formed a
deep brotherhood throughout his Ummah, likening it to a human
• Sayyidina Nu’man ibn Bashir
reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “The likeness of the believers in
their mutual love, mercy and affection is that of the body. When one limb of it
complains, the rest of the body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.” [Bukhari;
267. One who writes in honour of the
Messenger of Allah is prayed for by the angels.
• The Messenger of Allah said: “If a
man glorifies me by writing books, the angels pray to God for his forgiveness
so long as the book exists.” [Ihya ‘Ulum al-Deen of Imam al-Ghazali, Vol. 1]
268. The Messenger of Allah opened
to us the realities of the treasures of dhikr.
• The Beloved Messenger of Allah
said: “…If your state of mind is always the same as it is at the time of dhikr (remembrance
of Allah), the Aangels would shake hands with you and would greet you on the
path by saying, ‘Assalamu alaykum.’” [Muslim]
In his commentary of Sahih Muslim,
Imam al-Nawawi says regarding this hadith: “This kind of sight
is shown to someone who persists in meditation (muraqaba), reflection (fikr),
and anticipation (iqbal) of the next world.”
269. The Messenger of Allah was most
afflicted by trial but his character surpassed any level of grief he endured.
• Sayyidina Saa’d bin Abi Waqqas
reports: I said, “O Messenger of Allah, who are the most afflicted of all
people?” He replied, "The Prophets, then the righteous people, then those
who are nearest to them in perfection and those who are nearest to them. Man is
tested according to his religiosity; if he is strong religiously, his test is
increased and if he is weak in religion, his test is reduced. And a believer
will be tested until he walks on the earth sinless [i.e. his sins have been
erased by series of afflictions that he endured.]” [Bukhari]
270. The Messenger of Allah inspired
a Jewish boy to embrace Islam on his deathbed.
• Sayyidina Anas b. Malik reported
that a Jewish boy used to serve the Messenger of Allah. The boy became ill and
Messenger of Allah went to visit him. He sat by his head and said, "Become
a Muslim." The boy looked at his father who was also sitting by his head.
His father said to him, "Obey Abu'l-Qasim (may Allah bless him and
grant him peace)." So the boy became a Muslim. The Messenger of Allah
left, saying, "Praise be to Allah who has saved him from the Fire!"

271. The Messenger of Allah receives
our durood/salawat wherever we may be.
• The Messenger of Allah said,
“Pray for Allah's blessings upon me, for your blessings reach me from wherever
you are.” [Sunan Abu Dawud]
272. Sayyidina Usman b. Maz’un’s
love for the Messenger of Allah increased when witnessing him receive
• Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Abbas
narrates, "While the Messenger of Allah was sitting in the courtyard of
his house, Usman b. Maz’un passed by and smiled at the Messenger of Allah. The
Messenger of Allah said to him, “Won't you sit down?” He said, “Certainly.” So
the Messenger of Allah sat facing him, and while they were talking, the
Messenger of Allah began looking up at the sky, looking at it for a while, then
he brought his gaze down until he was looking at the ground to his right. Then
the Messenger of Allah turned slightly away from his companion Usman to where
he was looking. Then he began to tilt his head as if trying to understand
something, and Usman ibn Maz’un was looking on.
When the matter was finished and he
had understood what had been said to him, the Messenger of Allah stared at the
sky again as he had the first time, looking at whatever he could see until it
disappeared. Then he turned back to face Usman again. Usman said, ‘O Muhammad,
I have never seen you do anything like you did today while I was sitting with
you.’ The Messenger of Allah said, ‘What did you see me do?’ Usman said, ‘I saw
you staring at the sky, then you lowered your gaze until you were looking to
your right, then you turned to him and left me. Then you tilted your head as if
you were trying to understand something that was being said to you.’ The
Messenger of Allah said, ‘Did you notice that?’ Usman said, `Yes.’ The
Messenger of Allah said, ‘A messenger from Allah came to me just now, when you
were sitting here.’ Usman said, ‘A messenger from Allah?’ The Messenger of
Allah said, ‘Yes.’ Usman said, ‘And what did he say to you?’ The Messenger of
Allah said, ‘Verily, Allah orders justice and kindness...’ Usman said: ‘That
was when faith was established in my heart and I began to love Muhammad .’”
[Imam Ahmad]
273. “Muhammad is the Messenger of
Allah; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among
• “Muhammad is the Messenger of
Allah; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among
themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty
from Allah and [His] pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the trace of
prostration. That is their description in the Torah. And their description in
the Gospel is as a plant which produces its offshoots and strengthens them so
they grow firm and stand upon their stalks, delighting the sowers - so that
Allah may enrage by them the disbelievers. Allah has promised those who believe
and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward.” [Qur’an
274. Chosroes suffered great ruin
and destruction through disrespecting the Messenger of Allah.
• Chosroes, ruler of Persia, tore up
the letter sent to him by the Messenger of Allah. When the Messenger of Allah
received news of this, he prayed: “O Allah, slit him as he slit my letter!” It
was as a result of this malediction that Chosroes’ son cut him to pieces with a
dagger. [Bukhari; Qadi Iyaad, al-Shifa] And it is further reported that later
in history, Sayyidina Saa’d b. Abi Waqqas broke his kingdom apart, so that in
no part of the Sasanid empire did his sovereignty remain. [Sirat ibn Hisham;
Imam Tabari, Tarikhu’l-Umma wa’l-Muluk; Hafiz ibn Kathir’s al Bidaya
275. The Messenger of Allah will
accept the responsibility of intercession on the Day when everyone else will
turn us away.
• ”It may be that your Lord will
raise you to maqaam Mahmud (an Exalted Station).” [Qur’an
17:79] On this verse, Hafiz ibn Kathir states in his tafsir: “I,
Ibn Kathir, say: He is the first one for whom the earth will be opened and he
will come forth riding to the gathering place. He will have a banner under
which Adam and anyone else will gather, and he will have the Hawdh (Lake)
to which no one else will have more access than he. He will have the right of
the Grand Intercession with Allah when He comes to judge between His creation.
This will be after the people ask Adam, then Nuh, then Ibrahim, then Musa, then
‘Isa to intercede, and each of them will say, "I am not able for that.''
Then they will come to Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him , and he will say, “I can do that, I can do that.” [Tafsir ibn
276. The light of the Messenger of
Allah was placed in the forehead of Prophet Adam.
• Imam Muhyuddin ibn Arabi states:
“When Allah created our father Adam, He placed the light of Muhammad, His first
creation, on Adam’s forehead. When the angels encountered Adam, they paid
respect and greeted that light, but Adam was dismayed, being unable to see the
divine light of Muhammad shining on his own forehead…” [Imam ibn Arabi’s
Shajarat al-Kawn]
277. The full reality of the
Messenger of Allah is unknown to us and beyond our limited comprehension.
• "If the strength and valour
of forty warriors were put into one man, who could drag a lion by the ear, and
if that man saw the truth of the Prophet for a single moment, the awe he'd feel
would tear his lungs from his chest & his soul would leave him." ~
Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh
278. The blessed lineage of the
Messenger of Allah consists of exactly fifty males and fifty females.
• Imam Yusuf Nabhani relates, “The
father and the mother of Prophet Muhammad were the final links of light, which
had passed from a hundred people: fifty of whom were male, and the other fifty
female.” [Imam Yusuf Nabhani’s Hujjatallahi alal-Alameen]
279. “He was solely of love. Thus,
God selected him from among the Prophets…”
• Mawlana Jalal uddin Rumi evaluates
the creation of the Messenger of Allah with love:
“Love boils the sea like clay. Love
smashes and melts the mountains like sand.
Love ruptures the sky, opening
hundreds of cracks. Love shakes the earth with no reason.
The immaculate love was equivalent
to Prophet Muhammad.
Because of love, God said to him,
“If you had not existed, (I would not have created the worlds)...”
He was solely of love. Thus, God
selected him from among the Prophets;
“If you had not been of immaculate
love, if you had not possessed love, would I have created the Heavens?”
[Mathnawi, v. 223-4]
280. The blessed spirit of the
Messenger of Allah is the sultan or ruler over all creation.
• Imam Muhyuddin ibn Arabi says,
when the essence of Prophet Muhammad existed, it existed as the ruler, sultan and
the one who is guarded. When the creation of the body was delayed, Allah
created agents on behalf of him. His first agent and viceroy was Adam. Then the
reproduction and proliferation of humanity began; Allah had always created
viceroys through all eras until the pure body of the Prophet Muhammad was
achieved. The body of Prophet Muhammad appeared like a strong sun. Now all the
lights were contained in his vivid light, all the verdicts were hidden in his
verdicts, all the laws yielded to him and his hidden rule emerged. As a
consequence, Prophet Muhammad is the “first, last, spiritual and the all
knower.” [Futuhat al-Makkiya]
281. The Messenger of Allah
responded to a Bedouin Arab’s call at his blessed grave.
• Imam al-Nawawi relates on
al-‘Utbi's authority: “As I was sitting by the grave of the Messenger of Allah,
a Bedouin Arab came and said: “Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah! I have
heard Allah saying: “If they had only, when they were unjust to themselves,
come unto thee and asked Allah’s forgiveness, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness
for them, they would have found Allah indeed Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.”
[Qur’an 4:64]. Therefore, I have come to you asking forgiveness for my sin,
seeking your intercession with my Lord.”
Then he began to recite poetry:
“O best of those whose bones are
buried in the deep earth,
And from whose fragrance the depth
and the height have become sweet,
May I be the ransom for a grave
which thou inhabit,
And in which are found purity,
bounty and munificence!”
Then he left, and I dozed and saw
the Messenger of Allah in my sleep. He said to me: “O ‘Utbi, run after the
Bedouin and give him glad tidings that Allah has forgiven him.” [Imam
al-Nawawi, al-Idah fi Manasik al-Hajj & al-Adhkaar]
282. Light was seen in the forehead
of the Messenger of Allah’s father until he was conceived.
• A woman, the sister of the
Christian monk Waraqa b. Naufal, showed interest in Sayyidina Abdullah before
he had married Sayyida Amina. After the Messenger of Allah was conceived,
Sayyidina Abdullah saw the same woman, and she turned her face away. When he
asked her why, the woman replied, “The light I saw on you has forsaken you
today.” According to Ibn Ishaq, this woman had seen a bright mark between the
eyes of Sayyidina Abdullah, and she had been told by her brother that the arrival
of a Prophet was imminent. Naturally, what the woman had seen on the face of
Sayyidina Abdullah was the light of Prophethood. [Sirat ibn Hisham]
283. “If the candle of Prophet
Muhammad’s existence had not existed, all would have remained in darkness…”
• Shaykh Ismail Haqqi Bursawi
emphasizes that: the Messenger of Allah is presented within the Qur’an as a
“lamp that gives light.” [Qur’an 33:46] Within this verse, the Messenger of
Allah is likened to a candle. If there were no candles, it would not be
possible to reach a destination; likewise, if the candle of Prophet Muhammad’s
existence had not existed, all would have remained in darkness, and would not
have found the path to the light of existence, and would not have reached the
path where the source of prosperity existed. [Tafsir Ruh al Bayan]
284. One who sees the Messenger of
Allah in a dream has truly seen him. Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam!
• Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah reports
that the Messenger of Allah said, “He who saw me in a dream has certainly seen
me, for Shaytan cannot take my form.” [Bukhari; Muslim]
285. Mankind, jinn and
the angels serve the Messenger of Allah.
• “Not just men and jinn;
but angels too throughout the day [and night] stand in your service / It is not
foreheads and heads that prostrate, but our hearts that fall down in reverence
for thee!” ~ Imam Ahmad Raza Khan
• One hadith confirming
how even the angels are in the service of the Messenger of Allah: “Indeed Allah
has angels who roam the earth and they convey to me the greetings of my Ummah (nation).”
286. Allah sent His Beloved
Messenger to empower the world with Islam over all other religions.
• “It is He Who has sent His
Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all
religion: and enough is Allah for a Witness.” [Qur’an 48:28]
287. The grave of the Messenger of
Allah surpasses all other lands in superiority.
• Qadi Iyaad says, “There is no
difference of opinion (la khilaf) in that the grave of the
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him & give him peace, is
the most virtuous land on earth.” [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
288. Every blessing upon creation
comes through the Messenger of Allah.
• Imam Yusuf Nabhani says:
“For he is not in need of creation
at all,
While they all need him without
He belongs to Allah alone, Whose
purified servant he is,
As his attributes and names have
made manifest;
And every single favor in creation
comes from Allah
To him, and from him to everything
else.” [Sa’adat al-Darayn]
289. Every time Allah is mentioned,
the Messenger of Allah is mentioned.
• On the verse: “And we have exalted
for you your remembrance.” [Qur’an 94:4]
Hafiz ibn Kathir relates that
Mujahid said: "Meaning, every time I [Allah] am mentioned, you [Muhammad]
are mentioned.” [Tafsir ibn Kathir]
290. The five fingers of each hand
represent the closest beloveds of the Messenger of Allah.
• Imam Muhyuddin ibn Arabi states:
“The five fingers of your right hand are given to you to remind you to keep the
Blessed Five as guides: Muhammad the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him, and his four companions Abu Bakr,
‘Umar, ‘Uthman and ‘Ali, and to honor what they hold as truth.” He continues,
“Now the five fingers of your other hand are there to remind you of the five
members of the Prophet’s household: Muhammad the Messenger of Allah, may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, ‘Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and
Husayn, from whom Allah cleansed all impurity…” [Imam ibn Arabi’s Shajarat
291. Allah Most High swears an oath
by the life of the Messenger of Allah.
• “Verily, by your life (O
Muhammad)!” [Qur’an 15:72] Thus it was said: Do they know any other Prophet or
angel whom Allah addressed directly and by whose life He swore?
292. It is Allah’s Way to invoke
blessings upon the Prophet, to the extent that His angels do so too and He
Himself commands it upon the believers.
• “Indeed, Allah and His angels send
blessings on the Prophet: O you who believe! Invoke blessings upon him, and
salute him with all respect.” [Qur’an 33:56]
293. Following his Sunnah grants one
the honour of being with the Messenger of Allah in Jannah.
• The Messenger of Allah said,
“Whoever cherishes my sunnah, indeed he cherishes me, and
whoever loves me will be with me in Jannah.” [Tirmidhi]
294. Allah Most High has preferred
his beloved Messenger over all creation in the heavens and earth.
• Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Abbas said:
“Allah has preferred (faddala) Muhammad over all Prophets and
over the dwellers of the heavens (i.e. the angels).”
They said: “O ibn ‘Abbas, how did He
prefer him to the dwellers of the heavens?”
He replied: “Allah Most High said:
‘And one of them [the angels] who should say: Lo! I am a God beside Him, that
one We should repay with Hell.’ [Qur’an 21:29] - but He said: ‘Lo! We have
given you (O Muhammad) a signal victory, that Allah may forgive you of what
preceded of your fault and that which is to come, and may perfect His favor
unto you, and may guide you on a Straight Path.’ [Qur’an 48:1-2]”
They said: “And how did He prefer
him over the Prophets?”
He replied: “Allah Most High says:
‘And We never sent a Messenger save with the language of his folk.’ [Qur’an
14:4] but He said: ‘And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) save unto all
mankind.’ [Qur’an 34:28] [Qadi Iyaad’s al-Shifa]
295. “And verily, you (O Muhammad)
are on an exalted standard of character.” [Qur’an 68:4]
• About this verse, it was said: The
reality of this compliment (khuluqin ‘azim, or exalted
standard of character and morals) can be fathomed only by the Speaker Himself
and whomever He wills.
296. The Messenger of Allah is the
Praised, the Gatherer, the Concluder.
• The Messenger of Allah said: “I
have (many) names. I am The Praised One (Muhammad). And I am the Most Deserving
of Praise (Ahmad). And I am the Eraser (al-Mahi) by whom disbelief is erased.
And I am the Gatherer (al-Hashir) at whose feet the people shall be gathered.
And I am the Concluder (al-‘Aqib) after whom there is no Prophet.” [Bukhari;
Imam Malik’s Muwatta; Imam Bayhaqi’s Dala'il al-Nubuwwa]
297. The Messenger of Allah could
see behind him as clearly as he could see ahead.
• The Messenger of Allah told his
Companions, “I see the one behind my neck just as I see the one before me.”
[Bukhari; Muslim; Imam Bayhaqi’s Dala'il al-Nubuwwa]
Mujahid explained when the Messenger
of Allah arose from prayer he could see everyone behind him, just as if they
were in front of him.
298. The Messenger of Allah could
see in the dark as clearly as he could see in the light.
• “The Messenger of Allah could see
just as well in the dark as he could see in the light.” [Imam Bayhaqi’s Dala'il
299. The sun once halted for the
Messenger of Allah and did not set until he was victorious in his expedition.
• From a report related by Sayyidina
Abu Hurayrah: “…So, the Prophet carried out the expedition and when he reached
that town at the time or nearly at the time of the ‘Asr prayer, he said to the
sun: ‘O sun! You are under Allah’s Order and I am under Allah’s Order. O Allah!
Stop it (i.e. the sun) from setting.’ It was stopped till Allah made him
victorious.” [Bukhari]
300. For centuries, the greatest
poets have dedicated masterpieces to his honour, and nevertheless have reached
the conclusion that his praise cannot be fully expressed.
• Ya Sahib al jamal wa ya
Sayyid al bashar
min wajhik al muneer laqad nuwwir al
laa yumkinus sana'u kama kana
baa’d az khuda buzurg tu'i qissa
“O man of beauty, o Master of men,
The brightness of your face has
illuminated the moon!
It is impossible to praise him (the
Messenger of Allah) as he deserves;
After God, you are the Most Exalted
- the story ends there!”
~ Shaykh Saadi al-Shirazi
salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin hatta tardaa
salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin ba’dar ridaa
salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin abadan abada.
Allah, send Your blessings upon our Master Muhammad in such a measure that
earns Your pleasure, and send Your blessings upon our Master Muhammad exceeding
that measure which has earned Your pleasure, and send Your blessings upon on
our Master Muhammad forever and ever.
کوئی تبصرے نہیں:
ایک تبصرہ شائع کریں