It is stated in Ghunyat at-Talibeen that this month is also called Shahr al-Rajam (شهر الرجم) because devils are stoned in this month so that they do not harm the Muslims. This blessed month is also known by 'Asamm' (very silent) because nobody heard that Allah has punished a nation in this month - whereas previously, Allah had sent punishment in all the other months. [Ghunyat at-Talibeen, Page 229]
It is stated in 'Mukashifatul Quloob' that our pious predecessors (Alahim ar-RaHmah) said
There are three letters in Rajab: Raa, Jeem and Ba. 'Raa' stands for Rehmat-e-Ilahi (mercy of Allah), 'Jeem' stands for 'Jurm' (crime) of a person and 'Ba' stands for 'Birr' (kindness). It is as if Allah is saying, 'Place my person's crime between My mercy and my kindness. [Mukashifatul Quloob, Page 301]
Sayyiduna Shaykh Saffoori Alaihir raHmah has stated,
Rajab is the month of sowing the seeds, Sha'ban for watering and Ramadan is the month for harvesting the crop. Therefore, if someone does not sow the seeds of worship in Rajab and does not water them with tears of remorse in Sha'ban, then how will he be able to harvest mercy in Ramadan?
The Shaykh has further added,
Rajab purifies the body, Sha'ban purifies the heart and Ramadan purifies the soul. [Nuzhat al-Majalis, Vol. 1, Page 209]
Sayyiduna Anas bin Malik Radi Allahu Anhu narrates that the beloved Prophet of Allah said,
'Indeed there is a river in Heaven which is called 'Rajab'. Its water is whiter than milk and sweeter than honey. Whoever keeps one fast in the month of 'Rajab', Allah will let him quench his thirst by drinking from that river. [Shu'ab al-Imaan, Vol. 3, Page 367, Hadith 3800]
"There is a grand palace in Heaven for those who fast in Rajab." [Shu'ab al-Imaan, Vol. 3, Page 368, Hadith 3802]
Sayyiduna Abu Umamah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu has narrated that the Beloved and Blessed Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him) has said,
There are five nights in which Du'a (supplication) is not rejected:
1. The first night of Rajab,
2. The 15th night of Sha'ban,
3. The night between Thursday and Friday,
4. The night of Eid al-Fitr and
5. The night of Eid al-Adha (the 10th Dhu al-Hijjah). [Tarikh Dimishq li-Ibn 'Asaakir, Vol. 10, Page 408]
Sayyiduna Khalid bin Ma'daan Alaihir raHmah says,
There are five particular nights in a whole year - whosoever spends these nights in worship with intention of gaining virtues, Allah will grant him entrance into Heaven.
1. The first night of Rajab, (worships in the night and fasts during the day),
2 and 3. Both nights of Eid (Eid al-Fitr & Eid al-Adha) (worships in these nights but does not fast in the day),
4. The 15th night of Sha'baan (worships in the night and fasts the following day) and
5. The night of 'Ashura (10th night of Muharram al-Haraam) (worships in the night and fasts the following day).' [Ghunyat at-Talibeen, Page 236]
Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Abbas Radi Allahu Anhuma narrates that the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam said,
The fast of the first day of Rajab is penitence for 3 years, the fast of the second day is penitence for 2 years and the fast of the third day is penitence for 1 year and then each remaining day of Rajab is penitence for 1 month. [Jami' as-Sagheer, Hadith 5051, Page 311]
Rajab is a very honourable month. Allah doubles the rewards in this month. Whoever fasts for a day in Rajab, it is as if he fasted a year and whoever fasts for seven days, the seven gates of Hell are closed for him. Whoever fasts for eight days, the eight gates of Heaven are opened for him and whoever fasts for ten days will be given anything that he asks for from Allah. For whoever fasts for fifteen days, a caller will call out from the sky, 'Verily you have been forgiven whatever is past, so renew your good actions.' Whoever does more, Allah gives him more. Allah transported Nuh (Alahye Salam) in the ark in this month and Nuh (Alayhe Salam) fasted and ordered all those with him to fast.' [Tabaraani, Mu'jam al-Kabeer, Vol. 6, Page 69, Hadith 5538]
Sayyiduna Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi mentions that the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam said,
Rajab is one of the sacred months and its days are inscribed on the gate of the sixth Heaven. If a person fasts for one day of this month and he keeps his fast clean through obedient devotion to Allah, the gate and the day (when he fasted) will seek repentance for that person in the court of Allah and will say, 'Oh Allah , forgive him!' If that person fails to make his fast complete through obedient devotion to Allah, the gate and the day will make no such plea for him to be forgiven. They will say, 'Your own nafs (self) has betrayed you'. [Maa Sabata bis'Sunnah, Page 342]
AlaHadrat Imam Ahmad Rida Khan Alaihir raHmah says that it is written in 'Fawaid-e-Nihaad' that Sayyiduna Anas Radi Allahu Anhu has narrated that the Merciful Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam said,
I was given Prophethood on the 27th of Rajab. Whoever fasts on this day then supplicates at the time of Iftaar, it will be penitence for 10 years of his sins. [Fatawa Ridawiyyah, Vol. 4, Page 658]
Sayyiduna Abu Huraira Radi Allahu Anhu says,
If someone fasts on the 27th of Rajab, he will be given the reward of fasting for 60 months (5 years) and this is the day in which Jibra'il came down and the beloved Prophet Muhammad announced his Prophethood.' [Tanzih ash-Shariah, Vol .2, Page 161]
Sayyiduna Salmaan Farsi Radi Allahu Anhu narrates that the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam said,
There is a day and a night in the month of Rajab in which if a person fasts during the day and stands (for worship) in the night, it will be as if he fasted for one hundred years. This is the 27th of Rajab. This is the day on which the beloved of Allah was given Prophethood.' [Shu'ab al-Imaan, Vol. 3, Page 374, Hadith 3811]
Whoever relieves someone's trouble in the month of Rajab, Allah will reward him with a palace in Heaven which will be as spacious as the eye could see. Honour Rajab and Allah will honour you a thousand times more.' [Ghunyat at-Talibeen, Page 234]
Sayyiduna Anas bin Malik Radi Allahu Anhu narrates that the leader of the Prophets SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam has said,
There is a night in Rajab in which if someone performs a good deed, he will receive the reward of doing good deeds for 100 years and that is the 27th night of Rajab. Whoever prays 12 rak'ats, recites Sura Fatiha once in every rak'at plus another Sura, 'Attihiyyat…' after every 2 rak'ats and after performing salaam on either side he reads سبحان الله والحمد لله ولاإله إلاالله والله أكبر Hundred (100) times, Istighfaar 100 times, Durood Shareef 100 times and then supplicates Allah for whatever he wishes (to gain in the world and afterlife) and then fasts the following day, Allah will accept all of his supplications except the supplication which is for a sin. [Shu'ab al-Imaan, Vol. 3, Page 374, Hadith 3812]
Sayyiduna Anas Radi Allahu Anhu has reported that the Most Dignified Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam said,
The one who observes fasts for three days i.e. Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the months of Hurmah (Means: Zul Qadah, Zul Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab), the reward of two years of worship will be registered for him. [Al-Mu'jam al-Aswat, Vol. 1, Page 485, Hadith 1789]
Once Sayyiduna Isa Alaihis Salam passed by a luminous mountain that was sparkling with light. He said to Allah,
'O Allah! Bless this mountain with the power to speak.' The mountain spoke and said, 'O RoohAllah (Ala Nabiyyina wa Alaihis Salat wa as-Salam)! What do you desire?' He replied, 'Tell me your state.' The mountain said, 'A person lives inside me.' Sayyiduna Isa said to Allah, 'Allow me to see him.' The mountain split open and a very handsome pious man emerged from it. This pious man said, 'I am the follower of Sayyiduna Musa Alaihis Salam. I supplicated to Allah that He let me live until the time of His beloved Messenger SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam so that I may have the honour of seeing him and also be privileged of becoming his follower. Alhamdu-Lillah! I have been busy worshipping Allah inside this mountain for 600 years.' Sayyiduna Isa Alaihis Salam asked Allah, 'O Allah ! Is there anyone on this earth dearer to you than this person?' Allah answered: 'O Isa! Whoever from the Ummah of Muhammad fasts for a single day in the month of Rajab, is dearer to me than this person.' [Nuzha-tul-Majaalis, Vol. 1, Page 155]
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Subhanallah, Jazakallah for imparting such invaluable knowledge.
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