The Divine Vision » Me'raj-un-Nabi SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam

All Praise is due to Allah Azzawajal, Salutations upon His most Perfect, unique, and cream of creations, the Intercessor of the Sinners, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallallaahu Alaihi Wasallam, upon his family, upon his companions and the righteous servants till Doomsday.
Some people have misunderstood the reality of the Me'raaj of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) due to their lack of knowledge and research. Their ignorance in this field caused more confusion in their hearts because they failed to understand the unique relation between ALLAH and His Beloved Habeeb (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him). How true is the comment of Sayyidul-Makashifeen Sheikh-e-Akbar Muhiyyudeen Ibne Arabi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) who said that Me'raaj is a secret in a secret. One has to have sound knowledge of the Qudrat of ALLAH and the Station and Status of His August Rasool (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) before commenting on any matter pertaining to them. Due to the lack of this knowledge some people have wrongfully said that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) did not see ALLAH with his naked eye and also did not proceed to the Divine Arsh on the night of Me'raaj. They say that both these things are impossible for any human being to achieve.
Indeed the illustrious Ulama and distinguished Imams of Islam have in their authentic books expressed in great details on this subject. All these are based on the Ahadith Shareef. The narrators and presenters are all trustworthy Scholars of Deen. This matter is not something that entertains ones personal opinion. It depends solely on the authenticity of solid proof. Hence, confirmation deplores contradiction. Ignorance does not necessarily reject its reality. If one rejects it, one is in fact a liar and a contradictor of the Deen.
Here is proof from Qur'an al Kareem, Ahadith an-Nabawi (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam), Sayings of the Noble Sahab and from the writings of great and authentic scholars of Islam that the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam did see ALLAH with his naked eyes and he also did proceed to the Divine Arsh on the night of Me'raj.
The Holy Qur'an says:
سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَى بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلا مِنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الأقْصَى الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ لِنُرِيَهُ مِنْ آيَاتِنَا إِنَّه هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ
Holy is He who carried His bondman by night from the sacred Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque (Aqsa) around which We have put blessings that We might show him Our grand signs. No doubt, He is the Hearing, the Seeing. [Al Isra:1]
Imam al-Ajal Abu Ja'fer Tibri reported in his commentary 'Jami' al-Bayan':
أسرى بروحه دون جسده، لأن ذلك لو كان كذلك لم يكن في ذلك ما يوجب أن يكون ذلك دليلا على نبوّته، ولا حجة له على رسالته، ولا كان الذين أنكروا حقيقة ذلك من أهل الشرك، وكانوا يدفعون به عن صدقه فيه، إذ لم يكن منكرا عندهم، ولا عند أحد من ذوي الفطرة الصحيحة من بني آدم أن يرى الرائي منهم في المنام ما على مسيرة سنة، فكيف ما هو على مسيرة شهر أو أقل؟ وبعد، فإن الله إنما أخبر في كتابه أنه أسرى بعبده، ولم يخبرنا أنه أسرى بروح عبده
Me'raj was done with both body and soul. If a person says that it was only soul who did the Meraj or it was only a dream then this will be an insignificant charge.
1. If it so then what would be the evidence of prophet hood in it?
2. How one can name it as a miracle of Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him)?
3. Why the Mushrikeen-e-Makkah refuse to accept it because everything is possible in dream?
4. They actually argue on the possibility of doing a journey of months in little part of night.
5. In the above verse the Almighty said, 'carried His bondman' not 'carried His bondman's soul'
6. 'Abd' is a composite of both body and soul." [Jami al-Bayan, Mo'assasa ar-Risalah, Vol 17, Page 350, Verse 17:1]

Sayings of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him):
1. Imam Ahmad ibne Hambal (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) in his Musnad narrates from Sayyiduna Abdullah ibne Abbaas (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho)
قال رسول الله صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلم رأيت ربي عزّ و جل
Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) said, "I saw my Sublime Creator". [Musnaf Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (al Maktab al Islami - Berut), Vol 1, Page 285]
Imam Jalaludeen Suyuti (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) in his Khasa'is al Kubra and Allama Abdur Raof Munadi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) in his Tafseer Shar'ha Jameh Sagheer state that this Hadith Shareef is authentic.
a. Tayseer Sharha Jami as-Sagheer (Maktaba Imam Shafa'ee - Riyadh), Vol 2, Page 25
b. al Khasais al Kubra (Markaz Barkate Raza - Gujrat), Vol 1, Page 161
2. Imam Muhaddith Ibne Asakar (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) narrates from Sayyiduna Jaabir bin Abdullah (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) states:
لأن الله أعطى موسى الكلام و أعطاني الروية لوجهه و فضلني بالمقام المحمود والحوض المورود
Verily, Almighty ALLAH blessed Sayyiduna Moosa, with the privilege of Dialogue and cherished me with his Divine Vision and exalted me with the Crown of Intercession and the Fountain of Kauthar. [Kanz al Ummal (Mo'assasa Risalah - Berut), Vol 14, Page 447, Hadith 9206]
3. Imam Asakar (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) also narrates from Sayyiduna Abdullah ibne Mas'ood (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), who said:
قال رسول الله صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلّم قال لي ربي نحلت إبراهيم خلتي و كلمت موسى تكليما و أعطيتك يا محمد كفاحا
Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) states, "My Glorious Lord said to me, 'I gave My friendship to Sayyiduna Ibraheem, and spoke to Sayyiduna Moosa, and O Muhammad ! I blessed you with My Meeting (where you saw My Divine Being without any obstacles)'". [Tarikh Damishq al Kabir (Dar al Ihya - Berut), Vol 3, Page 296]
In Majma'al Bihaar, the word كفاحا of the above Hadith Shareef is explained as follows:
مجمع البحار كفاحا أي مواجهة ليس بينهما حجاب ولا رسول
Majma-ul-Bihaar explains the word كفاحا that Almighty ALLAH blessed His Beloved with such a Presence and Vision that there were no veils as barriers and no intervention of an Angel. [Majma' al Bihar (Dar al Iman - Madinah Munawwarah), Vol 4, Page 424]
4. Ibne Marduwiyya (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) narrates from Sayyadah Asma bint Abu Bakr (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anha) that:
سمعت رسول الله صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم و هو يصف سدرة المنتهى (وذكر الحديث الى ان قالت) فقلت يا رسول الله ما رأيت عندها قال رأيت عندها يعنى ربه
Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) was praising the excellence of Sidratul-Muntaha when I inquired from him, "Ya Rasoolullah! What did you see at Sidratul-Muntaha?" He said, "There I saw the Divine Glory (i.e. of Allah)." [Ad-Durr al Manthur (Dar al Ihya - Berut), Vol 5, Page 194, Verse 17:1]

Comments of the Noble Sahaba Ridwanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een:
1. Tirmidi narrates from Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Abbaas (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho):
اما نحن بنو هاشم فنقول انّ محمد رأى ربه مرتين
We, the Bani Haashim (Ahle-Bayt), say that undoubtedly, Sayyiduna Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) saw ALLAH twice.
a. Jami' Tirmidhi (Urdu Bazar - Delhi), Vol 2, Page 161
b. Ash-Shifa Sharif, Vol 1, Page 159
2. Ibne Ishaaq (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) narrates from Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Abi-Salma (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) that:
ان ابن عمر أرسل الى ابن عبّاس يسأله هل رأى محمد صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلّم ربه ؟ فقال نعم
Sayyiduna Abdullah ibne Omar (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) inquired of Sayyiduna Abdullah ibne Abbaas (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) to find out whether Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) saw ALLAH. He replied, "Yes." [Ad-Durr al Manthur (Dar al Ihya - Berut), Vol 7, Page 570, Verse 18:53]
3. The words of Tabraani state:
واللفظ للطبرانى عن ابن عبّاس قال نظر محمد الى ربه قال عكرمة فقلت له نظر محمد الى ربه ؟ قال نعم ! جعل الكلام لموسى والخلة لإبراهيم والنظر لمحمد صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم ( زاد الترمذى ) فقد رأى ربه مرتين
The words of Tabraani states that Sayyiduna Abdullah ibne Abbaas (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) said that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) saw ALLAH. Akrama (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), who was his student, asked him: "Did Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) see Allah?" He replied," Yes, ALLAH blessed Sayyiduna Moosa, with Dialogue, Sayyiduna Ibraheem, with Friendship and Sayyiduna Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) with His Divine Presence". [al Maujam Awsat (Maktaba Ma'arif - Riyadh), Vol 10, Page 181, Hadith 9392]
(Words of Tabraani) "And verily, Sayyiduna Muhammad saw ALLAH twice". [Jami' Tirmidhi (Urdu Bazar - Delhi), Vol 2, Page 160]
Imam Tirmidi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) states that this Hadith Shareef is Hasan. Imam Nisaa'ee (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), Imam Ibne Khuzayma (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) and Haakim (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) all record the following:
واللفظ للبيهقى أتعجبون ان تكون الخلّة لإبراهيم والكلام لموسى والروية لمحمد صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلّم
Are you surprised at the Dialogue of Sayyiduna Moosa, Friendship of Sayyiduna Ibraheem and Divine Sight of Sayyiduna Muhammad?
Haakim has said that this is a Sahih Hadith. [Mawahib al-Ladunniya (Maktaba Islami - Berut), Vol 3, Page 104]
Imam Qastalaani and Imam Zarqaani both acknowledge the authenticity of this Hadith Shareef. [Sharha Zarqani ala al-Mawahib (Dar al Ma'arifah - Berut), Vol 6, Page 117]
4. It is narrated in Tabraani and Mo'jam Awsat:
عن عبد الله بن عبّاس انه كان يقول ان محمدا صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم رأى ربه مرّتين مرّة ببصره و مرّة بفواده
Sayyiduna Abdullah ibne Abbaas (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) says that "Verily, Sayyiduna Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) saw his Lord twice, once with his physical eye and once with the eye of his heart".
a. Mawahib al-Ladunniya (Maktaba Islami - Berut), Vol 3, Page 104
b. al Maujam Awsat (Maktaba Ma'arif - Riyadh), Vol 6, Page 352, Hadith 5757
Imam Suyuti (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), Imam Qastalaani (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), Allama Shaami (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) and Allama Zarqaani (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) - all say that there is no doubt in the authenticity of this Hadith Shareef.
a. Mawahib al-Ladunniya (Maktaba Islami - Berut), Vol 3, Page 105
b. Sharha Zarqani ala al-Mawahib (Dar al Ma'arifah - Berut), Vol 6, Page 117
5. Imamul A'imma Ibne Khuzayma (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) and Imam Bazaaz (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) both narrate from Sayyiduna Anas ibne Maalik (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho):
ان محمدا صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم رأى ربّه عزّ و جل
"Verily, Sayyiduna Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) saw his Most Gracious Creator". [Mawahib al-Ladunniya (Maktaba Islami - Berut), Vol 3, Page 105]
Imam Ahmad Qastalaani (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) and Imam Abdul Baaqi Zarqaani (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) state that the authenticity of this Hadith Shareef is very strong.
a. Mawahib al-Ladunniya (Maktaba Islami - Berut), Vol 3, Page 105
b. Sharha Zarqani ala al-Mawahib (Dar al Ma'arifah - Berut), Vol 6, Page 118
6. Imam Muhammad ibn Ishaaq (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) narrates this Hadith Shareef from Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho):
ان مروان سأل ابوهريره رضى الله تعالى عنه هل رأى محمد صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلّم ربه ؟ فقال نعم
Marwaan asked Sayyiduna Abu-Hurayra (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) if Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) saw ALLAH. He replied, "Yes."
a. Sharha Zarqani ala al-Mawahib (Dar al Ma'arifah - Berut), Vol 6, Page 118
b. Ash-Shifa Sharif, Vol 1, Page 159

Views of the Tabi'een Ridwanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een:
1. Imam Abdur Razzaaq (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), Ustaaz of Imam Bukhari (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), in his famous Musannaf reports from his Ustaaz Imam Mau'mar (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho):
عن معمر عن الحسن البصرى انه كان يحلف بالله لقد رأى محمد صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم
Imam Mau'mar (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) narrates from Imam Hasan Al-Basri who swore an oath in the Name of ALLAH that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) positively saw his Creator. [Ash-Shifa Sharif, Vol 1, Page 159]
2. Similarly, Imam Ibne Khuzayma (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) narrates from Sayyiduna Orwa bin Zubair (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), who is the cousin of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) and grandson of Sayyiduna Abu-Bakr (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho). He also accepts that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) saw ALLAH on the night of Me'raj.
و انه كان يشتد عليه إنكارها
And he used to get very upset if anyone rejected this. [Sharha Zarqani ala al-Mawahib (Dar al Ma'arifah - Berut), Vol 1, Page 116]
The following Luminaries held similar views:
1. Sayyiduna Kaab Ah'baar (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) who was a great Aalim of the previous Scriptures.
2. Imam Ibne Sha'haab Zahri Qarshi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho)
3. Imam Mujaahid Makh'zoomi Makki (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho)
4. Imam Akrama bin Abdullah Madani Haashimi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho)
5. Imam Ata bin Rabah Qarshi Makki (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) (Ustaaz of Imam Abu-Hanifa)
6. Imam Muslim bin Sabeeh Abud-Duha Kufi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) etc.
and all the students of A'limul Quraan Jabrul-Ummah Sayyiduna Abdullah ibne Abbaas (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) confirm the Divine Vision.

Opinion of the Illustrious Scholars of Islam:
1. Imam Khallaal (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) in Kitaabus-Sin narrates from Imam Ishaaq bin Maroozi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) that Imam Ahmad ibne Hambal (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) accepts this Tradition and confirms this by saying that:
قول النبي صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم رأيت ربّي
Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) said, "I saw my Creator". [Mawahib al-Ladunniya (Maktaba Islami - Berut), Vol 3, Page 107]
2. Imam Naqqaash (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) in his Tafseer narrates from Imam Sanadul Anaam (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) that:
انه قال أتقول بحديث ابن عبّاس بعينه رأى ربه رآه رآه رآه حتى انقطع نفسه
He said, "I accept the Hadith of Ibne Abbas (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) saw his Creator. with his eyes, he did see, he did see, he did see". He repeated this till his breath lasted. [Ash-Shifa Sharif, Vol 1, Page 159]
3. Imam Ibne Khateeb Misri (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) states in Mawaahib Shareef that:
جزم به معمر بن راشد بصري و آخرون و هو قول الأشعر و غالب اتباعه
Mau'mar bin Raashid Basri (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) and other scholars acknowledged this, and this is the Madhab of the Ahle-Sunnah, Imam Abul-Hasan Ash'ari (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) and the majority of his followers. [Mawahib al-Ladunniya (Maktaba Islami - Berut), Vol 3, Page 104]
4. Allama Imam Sha'haab Khafaji (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) in his Naseemur-Riyaad, the commentary of Shifa Qaadi Ayaad, states that:
الأصح الراجح انه صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم رأى ربه بعين رأسه حين اسرى به كما ذهب إليه اكثر الصحبه
The most correct and pure Madhab is that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) on the night of Meh'raaj saw ALLAH with his naked eyes as it is the Madhab and consensus of the illustrious Sahaba fraternity. [Naseem ar-Riyadh (Barakate Raza - Gujrat), Vol 2, Page 303]
5. Imam Nawawi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) in Shar'ha Muslim Shareef and Allama Muhammad bin Abdul Baaqi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) in Shar'ha Mawaahib states:
الراجح عند اكثر علماء انه صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم رأى ربه بعين رأسه ليلة المعراج
It is the consensus of the majority Ulama that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) saw ALLAH with his naked eyes on the night of Me'raj. [Sharha Zarqani ala al-Mawahib (Dar al Ma'arifah - Berut), Vol 6, Page 116]
6. Imame-Ajal Sayyidi Muhammad Busairi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) , in his renowned Qasidah Burdah Shareef states:
سريت من حرم ليلا الى حرم
كما سرى البدر في داج من الظلم
The Habeeb of Allah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him), in a short space of time, traveled from Masjid-e-Haraam to Musjid-e-Aqsa. This sacred journey was bright like the brilliance of the full moon.
و بت ترقى الى ان نلت منزلة
و من قاب قوسين لم تدرك و لم ترم
The Beloved (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) traveled in the night of Me'raj until he reached the station of Qaaba Qosain. No creation could reach this height nor possessed the courage to do so.
خفضت كل مقام بالاضافة اذ
نوديت بالرفع مثل مفرد العلم
The noble status of the Nabi (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) left everything below him when he proceeded towards the Divine Heights of the Unique Lord, on the Night of Ascension.
فخرت كل فخار غير مشترك
و جزت كل مقام غير مزدحم
The Beloved (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) enjoyed such excellence that no one can share. He passed such places where no creation set foot. [Qasida al Burda, Chapter 7]
Sayyid al Alameen (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) was blessed with exclusive gifts and secrets and passed all the heights without any hindrance. Without doubt, this goes to say that the Master (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) traveled the secret and timeless regions alone to the Divine Presence and met and saw ALLAH. [Al Kawakib ad-Durriya, Page 44-46]

7. Allama Mulla Ali Qaari (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) in his Shar'ha elaborates on Imam Boseri's verses:
اى انت دخلت الباب و قطعت الحجاب الى ان لم تترك غاية لساع الى السبق من كمال التقرّب المطلق الى جناب الحق و لا تركت موضع رقى و صعود وقيام وقعود لطالبفعة فى عالم الوجود بل تجاوزت ذالك الى مقام قاب قوسين او ادنى فاوحى اليك ربّك ما اوحى
Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) passed all the Secret Curtains and reached the Divine Absolute Presence of the Supreme Creator, as one reaches one's goal leaving everyone behind. There was no step of excellence in the entire universe that the Master (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) did not surpass. In fact, the Master (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) transcended above the domain of space and time and entered the Station of Qaaba-Qosain and O'adna. Then, ALLAH the Supreme spoke to the Beloved what He had to Say. [Az-Zubdat al Umda (Jam'iyat Ulama Sikandariya - Kherpur), Page 96]
8. Imam-e-Humaam Abu-Abdullah Sharfudeen Muhammad (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) states in Ummul-Qurra:
وترقي به قاب قوسين
و تلك السيادة القعساء
The Master (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) advanced till Qaba-Qosain (Divine Presence) and this is indeed the ultimate.
رتب تسقط الامانى حسرى
دونها ما وراءهنّ وراء
These are the Secret Stations where desires and thoughts cannot contemplate because there are no paths that lead to them. [Umm al Qura (Hizb al Qadiriya - Lahore), Page 13]
9. Imam Ibne Hajr Makki (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) comments in the Shar'ha of Ummul-Qurra:
قال بعض الائمه و المعاريج ليلة الاسراء عشرة سبعة فى السماوات و الثامن الى سدرة المنتهى و التاسع الى المستوى و العاشر الى العرش الخ
Some A'imma state that there were ten Me'rajs in the night of Isra. There were seven in the seven skies, the eighth, Sidratul Muntaha, the ninth in the Divine Levels and the Tenth to the Arsh. [AfDal al Qura, Vol 1, Page 404]
10. Sayyidi Allama Arif-e-Billah Abdul Ghani Nablusi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) re-affirms this in Hadiqa-e-Nadiyyah Sharha Tareeqa-e-Muhammadiyyah:
حيث قال قال شهاب مكي فى شرح همزيه لبوصيرى عن بعض الائمة ان المعاريج عشرة الى قوله والعاشر الى العرش و الرويه
There were ten Me'rajs. The tenth was from the Arsh till the Divine Presence. [Al Hadeeqat al Nadiyyah, Vol 1, Page 272]
11. Imam Ibne Hajr Makki (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) states in Shar'he Hamziyya:
لما اعطى سليمان الريح التى غدوها شهر و رواحها شهر اعطى نبينا صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم البراق فحمله من الفرش الى العرش فى لحظة واحدة و اقل مسافة فى ذالك سبعة آلاف سنة و ما فوق العرش الى المستوى و الرفرف لا يعلمه الا الله تعالى
When Nabi Sulaymaan, was given the wind, it carried him the distance of one months journey in one day. Our Master (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) was given the Buraaq which carried him from the earth to the Arsh in a fleeting moment. The shortest portion of this journey (between earth and the seven skies) takes seventeen thousand years. And Allah only knows the distance above the Arsh to the arcane levels with the Rafraf (to the Divine Presence). [AfDal al Qura li Qar'i Umm al Qura]
12. It is also recorded in the same Shar'ha Hamziyya:
لما اعطى موسى عليه السلام الكلام و اعطى نبينا صلى الله تعالى عليه و آله و بارك سلّم مثله ليلة الاسراء و زيادة الدنو و الروية بعين البصر و شتان ما بين جبل الطور الذى نوجى به موسى عليه السلام نوجى به نبينا صلى الله تعالى عليه و آله و بارك سلّم
Nabi Moosa, was blessed with Dialogue (Kalaam). Similarly, our Master (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) was blessed on the night of Isra with Divine Presence. He saw Allah from very close range with his naked eye. You cannot compare the experiences of Mount Toor with the experiences of our Master (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) with ALLAH. [AfDal al Qura li Qar'i Umm al Qura]

13. It is further recorded in the same book:
رقيه صلى الله عليه و سلّم ببدنه يقظة ليلة الاسراء الى السمآء ثمّ الى سدرة المنتهى ثمّ الى المستوى ثم ّالى العرش و الرفرف والرويه
Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) physically proceeded to the skies on the night of Isra in wakefulness. From there to Sidratul Muntaha, then Divine Levels, then Arsh and Rafraf till he saw the Divine Vision! [AfDal al Qura, Vol 1, Page 116/117]
14. Allama Ahmad bin Muhammad Saawi Maliki Khal'wati (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) in a marginal annotation of Ummul-Qura writes:
الاسراء به صلى الله تعالى عليه و آله و بارك سلّم على يقظة بالجسد و الروح من المسجد الحرام الى المسجد الاقصى ثم عرج به الى السماوات العلى ثم الى سدرة المنتهى ثم الى المستوى ثم الى العرش و الرفرف
The Beloved Habeeb (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) undertook the journey of Meh'raaj in wakefulness with his body and soul. He traveled from Masjid-e-Haraam to Musjid-e-Aqsa. Then up to the skies, then Sidratul Muntaha, then Divine Levels then, Arsh, and then Rafraf. [Ta'leeqat ala Umm al Qura, Page 3]
15. Imam Allama Ahmad Qastalaani (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) states in Mawahibul-Ladunniyya and Man'hi-Muhammadiyya, and Allama Muhammad Zarqaani (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) in its Shar'ha state:
(و منها انه راى الله تعالى بعينه) على الراجح(و كلمه الله تعالى فى الرفيع الاعلى) على سائر الامكنة و قد روى ابن عساكر عن انس رضى الله تعالى عنه مرفوعا لما اسرى لى قربنى ربى حتى كان بينى و بينه قاب قوسين او ادنى
It was the exclusivity of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) that he saw Almighty ALLAH with his physical eyes in wakefulness and this is the preferable Madhab. ALLAH Spoke to His Beloved (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) in those high Divine regions which was above all possibilities and imaginations. Imam Ibne Asakar narrates from Sayyiduna Anas ibne Maalik that the Prophet of Allah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) said, "On the night of Isra my Lord, drew me so close to Him that we were two bows apart, in fact, even closer".
a. Mawahib al-Ladunniya (Maktaba Islami - Berut), Vol 2, Page 634
b. Sharha Zarqani ala al-Mawahib (Dar al Ma'arifah - Berut), Vol 5, Page 251/252
16. It is also stated in the same books:
قد اختلف العلماء في الاسراء واحداواسراء مرّة بروحه و بدنه يقظة و مرّة مناما او يقظة بروحه وجسده من المسجد الحرام إلى المسجد الاقصى ثمّ مناما من المسجد الاقصى إلى العرش فالحق انه اسراء واحد بروحه و جسده يقظة في القصّة كلها و إلى هذامذهب الجمهور من علماء المحدّثين و الفقهاءو المتكلّمين
There was a difference in opinion amongst the Ulama whether there was one Meh'raaj or two, one with the body and soul in wakefulness, and the other in a dream or wakefulness from Musjid-e-Haraam to Musjid-e-Aqsa. Then, from Aqsa in a dream till the Arsh. The truth is that there was one Isra and an entire journey from Musjid-e-Haraam to the Arsh was physical and in wakefulness. This is the Madhab of the majority of Ulama, Muhaditheen, Fuqaha and Mutakallimeen. [Mawahibul-Ladunniyya, Vol 3, Page 7]
17. The same book further states:
المعاريج عشرة (إلى قوله) العاشر إلى العرش
There were ten Meh'raajs and the tenth was till the Arsh. [Mawahibul-Ladunniyya, Vol 3, Page 17]
18. It is also recorded in the same book:
و قد ورد فى الصحيح عن انس رضى الله تعالى عنه قال عرج بى جبرئيل الى سدرة المنتهى و دنا الجبّاررب العزّة فتدلى فكان قاب قوسين او ادنى تدلية على ما فى حديث شريك كان فوق العرش
It is reported in Sahih Al-Bukhari by Sayyiduna Anas ibne Maalik that the beloved Rasool of Allah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) said, "Jibra'eel proceeded with me till the Sidratul-Muntaha. Then, the Divine Power of the Almighty Lord drew me to a distance of two bows close to Him, in fact, even closer". This closeness was above the Arsh as mentioned in the Hadith-e-Shareef. [Mawahibul-Ladunniyya, Vol 3, Page 88/90]

19. Allama Shi'haab Khifaji (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), in his Naseemur-Riyaad Sharha Shifa Imam Qaadi Ayaad (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), states:
ورد في المعراج انه صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم لما بلغ سدرة المنتهى جاءه بالرفرف جبرئيل عليه الصلوة والسلام فتناوله فطار به الى العرش
It is reported in the Hadith of Meh'raaj that when the Master (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) reached Sidratul-Muntaha then, Sayyiduna Jibra'eel presented the Rafraf, which carried him to the Arsh. [Naseem ar-Riyadh, Vol 2, Page 310]
20. It is noted in the same book:
عليه يدل صحيح الاحاديث الاحاد الدالة على دخوله صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم الجنة و وصوله الى العرش او طرف العالم كما سياتى كل ذالك بجسده يقظة
The units of Sahih Ahadith emphasize that the Master (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) visited Jannah and the Arsh or the boundaries of that region beyond which lies the extra-terrestrial domain (La-Makaan). This all happened physically and in wakefulness.[Naseem ar-Riyadh, Vol 2, Page 310]
21. Sayyidul-Makashifeen Sheikh-e-Akbar Muhiyyudeen ibne Arabi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), in the 216th chapter of his famous Futuhaat-e-Makkiyya, states:
اعلم ان رسول الله صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم لما كان خلقه القرآن و تخلق بالاسمآء و كان الله سبحانه و تعالى ذكر فى كتابه العزيز انه تعالى استوى على العرش على طريق التمدح و الثناء على نفسه اذ كان العرش اعظم الجسام فجعل لنبيّه عليه السلام من هذا الاستواء نسبة على طريق التمدح و الثناء به عليه حيث كان اعلى مقام ينتهى اليه من اسرى به من الرسل عليهم الصلاة والسلام و ذالك يدل على انه اسرى به صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلّم بجسمه و لو كان الاسراء به روياء لما كان الاسراء ولا الوصول الى هذا المقام تمدحا و لا وقع من الاعراب انكار على ذالك
The Holy Quraan was the beautiful character of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) and the Unique characteristics of the Divine Names of ALLAH was found in him. In the Holy Quraan, ALLAH Announces through the praise of His Attributive Qualities of His appearance on the Sacred Arsh. Similarly, Allah The Supreme, blessed His Beloved (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) with the reflection of His Divine Appearance of the sacred Arsh and Praised him. The Arsh is that high station where the Isra of Rasools end. This proves that the Isra of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) was physical because if it was a dream then Almighty ALLAH would have not praised his appearance on the Sacred Arsh. Only the unpleasant reject this reality. [Futuhaat al-Makkiyya, Vol 3, Page 61]
22. Imam Allama Arif-e-Billah Abdul Wahhab Sha'raani (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), in his Al-Yuwaqeet wal Jawahir, quotes from Sheikh-e-Akbar (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) that:
انما قال صلى الله عليه و سلّم على سبيل التمدح حتى ظهرت لمستوى اشاره لما قلنا من ان منتهى السير بالقدم المحسوس العرش
Verily, he (Sheikh-e-Akbar) said that the statement of praises of the exalted Habeeb (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) "And until that time when I was elevated to the Divine Levels" reflects to the fact that the termination of the physical feet's journey was at the Sacred Arsh. [Al-Yuwaqeet wal Jawahir, Vol 2, Page 370]
23. Sheikh-e-Muhaqqiq Imam Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlawi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) states in his Madaarijun-Nubuwwah:
فرمود صلى الله تعالى عليه و على آله و بارك وسلم بس كسترانيده شد برائى من رفرف سبز كه غالب بود نور او بر نور آفتاب بس درخشيد بآن نور بصر من و نهاده شدم من بران رفرف و برداشته شدم تا برسيدم بعرش
Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) said, "Then a green Rafraf (Divine Carrier) was laid for me. Its light was even greater than that of the sun. Its brilliance brightened my vision. I was seated on it and taken into the Heavens until I reached the Arsh of ALLAH. [Madaarij an-Nubuwwah, Vol 1, Page 169]
24. He further states:
آورده اند كه جون رسيد ان حضرت صلى الله تعالى عليه و على آله و بارك و سلم بعرش دست زدعرش بدامان اجلال وى
It is narrated that when Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) reached the Arsh, it respectfully touched his Sacred Garb. [Madaarij an-Nubuwwah, Vol 1, Page 170]

25. He states in Ash'atul-Lam'aat Sharha Mishkaat that:
جز حضرت بيغمبر ما صلى الله تعالى عليه و على آله و بارك وسلم بالا تر ازان هيج كس نه رفته و ان حضرت بجائى رفت كه آنجا جانيست
No one else besides the Beloved Habeeb (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) reached this Height in the Heavens. This was a timeless and space less transcendental region.
برداشت از طبيعت امكان قدم كه آن
اسرى بعبده است من المسجد الحرام
Me'raaj surpassed the limits of human nature
As Allah's special servant was taken from Musjid-e-Haraam.
تا عرصه وجوب كه اقصاى عالم است
كانجانه جاست نى جهت و نى نشان نه نام
He reached the Divine Arcane Zone that cannot be explained.
This zone has no place, description, name or direction. [Ash'at al Lam'aat, Vol 4, Page 442]
26. Also Sheikh-e-Muhaqqiq (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) states in the same book, in the third section, under "Divine Vision of Allah", while discussing the Hadith Shareef قد راى ربه مرّتين that:
بتحقيق ديد آنحضرت صلى الله تعالى عليه و آله و بارك و سلّم بروردكار خود را جلّ و علا دو بار يكى نزديك سدرة المنتهى بود ، دوم جون بالاى عرش بر آمد
Indeed, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) saw his Sublime Creator twice. First at Sidratul-Muntaha and then at the Arsh. [Ash'at al Lam'aat, Vol 4, Page 442-449]
27. It is recorded in the fourth volume, letter number 283, in the Maktobaat of Hadrat Mujaddid Alfe Thaani Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) that:
آن سرور عليه الصلوة و السلام دران شب از دائرهء مكان و زمان نبرون جست و ازتنكى امكان بر آمده ازل و ابد را آن واحد يافت و بدايت و نهايت را در يك نقطه متحده ديد
On the night of Meh'raaj, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) did not leave the boundaries of time and space and surpassed the restrictions of human nature. He saw the Secrets from Eternity till Eternity combined in a dot of Unity. [Maktubat Hadrat Mujaddid Alfe Thaani, Vol 4, Page 366]
28. He further states in the letter number 272 that:
محمدصلى الله تعالى عليه و آله و بارك و سلّم كه محبوب ربّ العالمين ست و بهترين موجودات اوّلين و آخرين بدولت معراج بدنى مشرّف شد و از عرش و كرسى در كزشت و از مكان و زمان بالا رفت
Sayyiduna Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) is the most Beloved of Allah and the most unique in creation. He was the only creation to be blessed with physical Me'raaj. He traveled further than the Arsh, Kursi and limitations of time and space. [Maktubat Hadrat Mujaddid Alfe Thaani, Vol 4, Page 348]
A perfect Man is not he who circumfuses the Arsh and whatever it encompasses, namely, the skies, Jannah and Jahannam. But, a perfect Man is he, whose vision surpasses all these dimensions and sees and appreciates the Glory of the Creator, of all these dimensions. [Imam Abdul Wahhab Sha'raani Radi ALLAHo Ta'ala Anho]
He is the First and the Last; He lives in the Absence and the Presence;
His own hidden light went to see His own visible existence.
By the Divine Grace of Almighty Allah, this brief but informative answer will suffice to remove doubts from the hearts and minds of the Muslims. (Insha ALLAH Azzawajal)
Reference Books:
منبه و المنية لوصول الحبيب إلي العرش و الرّوية
AlaHadrat Ash-Shah Imam Ahmad Rida Khan Alaihir raHmah
Al-Khasais al-Kubra, Vol 1, Page 316-349
Shaykh Abdur Rehman Jalal al-Din Suyooti Alaihir raHmah

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